The Iranian authorities have launched a new webmail service intended to be a substitute for public employees currently using Gmail, Yahoo mail or Hotmail accounts. The new webmail service is easier to control than the foreign services...
CATEGORY: Digital Freedom
Court orders Mauritanian web editor’s retrial
The editor of Taqadoumy website Hanevy Ould Dehah remains in detention after a Supreme Court decision to retry him on a charge of 'offending public decency', a crime for which he has already served a six-month sentence. Commenting on his...
Clinton to deliver speech on web freedom
Padraig Reidy: Hillary Clinton’s web freedom speech – the Index analysis
Australia: anti-censorship website censored
The Australian internet company, auDA that runs the domain registry has been accused of censoring a website satirising Australian communications minister Stephen Conroy's proposed internet censorship laws. On Friday, Sapia Pty Ltd, the...
Russian internet provider admits blocking websites
Claims of internet censorship have spread amongst the Russian blogosphere after the wireless internet service provider, Yota, admitted blocking access to certain websites. Denis Sverdlov, chief executive of WiMax operator Skartel, which runs the...
Carter-Ruck: courts mugged by new web reality
Padraig Reidy: The Trafigura Twitter revolt shows the law cannot keep up with the culture of the Internet
Bahrain: government orders over 1,000 websites blocked
On 23 September, the government has announced plans to block 1040 websites, referring to a resolution which states that all telecommunications companies and internet service providers "shall block pornographic websites". Many of the websites to be...
Mauritania: website editor imprisoned
Hanevey Ould Dehah, editor of the website Taqadoumy has been convicted on a charge of “offending public decency” and given a six month prison sentence after he questioned politician, Ibrahima Moctar Sarr’s financial dealings. Dehah was also fined...
US tests technology to foil foreign web censorship
The U.S. government is covertly testing technology in China and Iran that lets residents break through screens set up by their governments to limit access to news on the Internet. The "feed over email" (FOE) system delivers news, podcasts and data...
Malaysia in web censorship U-turn
Malaysian rights activists have welcomed the government's decision not to implement a controversial plan to create an Internet filter blocking "undesirable" websites. The proposal had been described as a "horror of horrors" by the opposition which...