CATEGORY: Digital Freedom

Iran launches new webmail service

The Iranian authorities have launched a new webmail service intended to be a substitute for public employees currently using Gmail, Yahoo mail or Hotmail accounts. The new webmail service is easier to control than the foreign services...

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Court orders Mauritanian web editor’s retrial

The editor of Taqadoumy website Hanevy Ould Dehah remains in detention after a  Supreme Court decision to retry him  on a charge of  'offending public decency', a crime for which he has already served a six-month sentence.  Commenting on his...

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Mauritania: website editor imprisoned

Hanevey Ould Dehah, editor of the website Taqadoumy has been convicted on a charge of “offending public decency” and given a six month prison sentence after he questioned politician, Ibrahima Moctar Sarr’s financial dealings. Dehah was also fined...

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Malaysia in web censorship U-turn

Malaysian rights activists have welcomed the government's decision not to implement a controversial plan to create an Internet filter blocking "undesirable" websites. The proposal had been described as a "horror of horrors" by the opposition which...

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