Godot to the rescue

Godot to the rescue

Samuel Beckett wrote a play for Václav Havel when he was in jail. On being freed, Havel returned the favour. It was the making of a great dramatic double-act, reprised this week by Index on Censorship. Jo Glanville reports

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Russia: getting away with murder

Afghanistan: freelancer pays dearly

Afghan freelance journalist Sultan Munadi was killed in the British military rescue of New York Times reporter Stephen Farrell. Index on Censorship spoke about growing risks to local freelancers with Tina Carr of the Rory Peck Trust, a charity that helps freelance journalists and their families in times of crisis

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Russia: getting away with murder

Out of sight

The murder of Natalia Estimerova was a stark reminder of the dangers human rights workers in Chechnya face when trying to draw attention to the region, writes Memorial’s Dokka Itslaev

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Russia: getting away with murder

Lay preaching

The reignition of the burka controversy in France reflects the political class’s fears for the state’s treasured “laïcité”, writes Agnès Poirier

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