Cuba: changes? What changes?

Cuba: changes? What changes?

The Obama regime may be reaching out to Raúl Castro, but it is unlikely any real reform will emerge for ordinary Cubans, writes Ena Lucía Portela The recent surprise dismissals of a number of well-known apparatchiks of the Castro regime, including...

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Ireland: religion doesn’t need protection

Setting the censorship standard

Thirty years on, the Williams Committee Report still provides a better framework for film classification than the lamentable Obscene Publications Act, says Julian Petley Thirty years ago, a Home Office committee chaired by Bernard Williams produced...

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Ireland: religion doesn’t need protection

‘We know where you surf’

Advertising software company Phorm’s legality is being questioned by the European Commission. Bill Thompson explains. The law obliging Internet service providers to keep records of email exchanges and website visits so that the police and other...

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Thai government moves to suppress media

Following the anti-government protests, the Thai government has begun to crack down on the opposition media. Sinfah Tunsarawuth asks if the heavy-handed tactics will incite further chaos. Radio and television stations in Thailand have been warned...

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