In this issue, Index examines whether the BBC’s coverage of the US raid on Libya was biased. This issue features full transcript of the BBC news broadcast.

In this issue, Index examines whether the BBC’s coverage of the US raid on Libya was biased. This issue features full transcript of the BBC news broadcast.
In this issue, Index on Censorship magazine explores the mixed reaction to the Soviet Union’s new policy of greater openness and “restructuring” proclaimed by the Gorbachev leadership.
In this issue, Index examines the infringement of civil rights, particularly freedom of expression, in Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa.
In this issue, Index interviews Vaclav Havel, a playwright who has not seen his work performed in 18 years. His new play, Temptation, is in the issue.
In this issue, Index examines the media crackdown spreading throughout the Chile in the wake of the September 7 attempted assassination of General Pinochet.
In this issue, Index on Censorship magazine explores the mixed reaction to the Soviet Union’s new policy of greater openness and “restructuring” proclaimed by the Gorbachev leadership.
In this issue, Index reports on the limitations on freedom of the press in South Africa following the 12 June declaration of a State of Emergency.
In this issue, Index reports on Andrei Sinyavsky’s new memoir which outlines his experiences as a writer and Russian dissident.
In this issue, Index publishes excerpts from a 262-page manuscript Chinese editor, Xu Wenli, has managed to smuggle out of prison.
In this issue, Index explores the trial of nine former Argentine generals and the likely consequences.
Front covers of past issues and contents