In this issue, Index on Censorship magazine marks its 21st birthday and 150th issue.

In this issue, Index on Censorship magazine marks its 21st birthday and 150th issue.
In this issue, Index on Censorship magazine looks at Thailand’s state of free expression a year after protesters were shot by government forces.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] By Andrew Graham Yooll Britain has the best press in the world; or, if not the best, near enough the top. Its variety is rich and, even in its tabloid sector, there is a sense of public service as well as much...
In this issue, Index on Censorship magazine looks at efforts by Belarus and Ukraine to forge a post-Soviet identity through language and literature
In this issue, Index on Censorship magazine looks at the problems posed by the spread of computers and the information overload.
In this issue, Index on Censorship magazine explores the state of women’s rights and censorship in the USA.
Three years after the crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators around Tiananmen Square in 1989, the human rights situation in China remains dismal as ever.
In this issue, editor-in-chief of Sarajevo TV in Bosnia fled after an assassination attempt, she speaks on situations facing war-torn Bosnia journalists.
This issue of Index includes coverage of International Press Freedom Day, Brazil, Malawi, Algeria, Peru/Venezuela and Index’s Twentieth Anniversary.
This issue demonstrates for the first time determination of Iranian intellectuals inside Iran to speak out against censorship and to defend human rights.
Front covers of past issues and contents