CATEGORY: United Kingdom

Web filtering: Keeping it clean?

Web filtering: Keeping it clean?

David Cameron has announced plans to block access to pornography online, with providers offering the choice to turn on a filter.

Seth Finkelstein examines how indiscriminate blocking systems censor not just pornography, but feminist, gay rights and education material

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Due process, prejudice and the press

Due process, prejudice and the press

Contempt of court laws have always been toothless, but the Internet and the smartphone have made it clear they are not fit for purpose, as demonstrated in the current “monstering” of murder suspect Chris Jefferies, says Brian Cathcart

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The blame game

The blame game

Journalist Shiv Malik was injured by a police baton strike during last week’s student protests. He asks who should be blamed for the violence: protesters, police officers or politicians?

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