Donald Trump’s assertions about the Ukrainian president convey an alarming normalisation of false realities and an affront to accuracy

Donald Trump’s assertions about the Ukrainian president convey an alarming normalisation of false realities and an affront to accuracy
As physics laboratory Cern ends co-operation with Russia and Belarus over the Ukraine war, Index talks to exiled scientists
The rich and powerful are increasingly acting with impunity to silence, sometimes permanently, those who seek to shine a light on their activities
Organisations welcome the opening of an investigation into the death of the Ukrainian journalist who died in unclear circumstances while in Russian detention
Ukrainian journalist Victoria Roshchyna was on her way to Mariupol when she was taken hostage. She recounts her ordeal here
The war reporter wrote from the front line for several Ukrainian news outlets before she was captured by Russian forces last year, and has now died in currently unknown circumstances
Index co-hosted the private UK premiere of an important film about the Babyn Yar massacre to persuade CBS News to release key footage