Secondary school students are now going to be educated in Xi Jinping Thought to promote patriotism for China

Secondary school students are now going to be educated in Xi Jinping Thought to promote patriotism for China
Israel’s push towards authoritarianism by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition is not slowing down during the country’s ever-expanding military operations. If anything, it is intensifying
Taliban-enacted “vice and virtue” laws have taken away both voices and human rights
The Indian government may have withdrawn the latest version of its Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, but Modi still intends to bring his online critics to heel
People are leaving X by the droves and with good reason. But it still has many strengths, not least in connecting Index to dissidents
A number of independent media outlets opened in the wake of the Arab Spring but lack of funding and poor governance has seen them fold
A prototype for Donald Trump in power will restrict local independent journalism
A special investigation reveals more than half of UK school librarians surveyed by Index have been asked to remove books from their shelves
Index reports on the government’s increasing brutality towards protesters and human rights activists
Mill Media with its network of local journalists was able to spot the rising far-right threat to asylum hotels well before their national counterparts in London