Rappler editor-in-chief breaks silence over Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism report on digital news

Rappler editor-in-chief breaks silence over Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism report on digital news
Our CEO defends the right of people, with views and values different to her own, to express themselves
Efforts by Beijing to wipe out any memory of the Tiananmen Square massacre continued to expand the past week. But ways to remember expanded too
In China a comedian risks jail time for mocking the army. Dr Qian Gong and Dr Jian Xu chart the rapid rise and potential fall of stand-up in the country
One poll remains deadlocked while another has seen the population vote for a change of direction
Author says has freedom of expression has never been under greater threat in the West in his lifetime
The heavy-handed treatment of anti-monarchy protesters at King Charles III’s ceremony is ominous
The country’s human rights landscape has disintegrated since Erdogan took over in 2003
In the weeks leading up to the election, young professionals lean on YouTube to gather varied and impartial news
The country has a vibrant future believes author Oliver Slow, despite the military junta’s attacks on dissent