The empty chairs at the empty tables in a journalists’ hangout in Kyiv are a tribute to the ultimate price paid for free expression

The empty chairs at the empty tables in a journalists’ hangout in Kyiv are a tribute to the ultimate price paid for free expression
Victoria Roshchina, who works for independent media channel hromadske, had to deny she was being held captive
The multi-award winning novelist, essayist, poet and activist wrote in the 50th anniversary issue of Index on Censorship magazine
The writer Zinovy Zinik on the moment his granddaughter learnt about Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, and how it devastated her fairytale view of the country
The whereabouts of Victoria Roschina, who works for independent news channel hromadske, is unknown after her detention
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] You may have heard that the 70s were different. In 1972, when the first issue of Index magazine was launched, no one knew that 20 years later there would be an influential economic bloc called the European Union....
As the war in Ukraine intensifies, we publish exclusive new translations of two Ukrainian poems that highlight the country’s struggle against invasion and occupation
High-profile activist Benedict Rogers, who lives in London, is being targeted using the draconian law in what is believed to be its first use outside Chinese territory
The TV and YouTube channel hromadske has been forced to abandon its studios but keeps the news flowing
Some 14,000 people, including children, have been detained for protesting the war. Putin’s pollsters say Russians support it