Solve fiendish cryptic clues from the mind of author Marc Nash to identify the book titles and win one of five 12-month magazine subscriptions

Solve fiendish cryptic clues from the mind of author Marc Nash to identify the book titles and win one of five 12-month magazine subscriptions
Joint statement by the International Counsel Team at Doughty Street Chambers, Index on Censorship and Human Rights Foundation
A citizen-led movement to capture accurate voting tallies revealed that Nicolás Maduro did not win the country’s election
The men in black who patrolled the corridors of Baku’s Olympic Stadium indicated the level of surveillance that activists are now under
As physics laboratory Cern ends co-operation with Russia and Belarus over the Ukraine war, Index talks to exiled scientists
The Algerian novelist has long been a controversial figure for his criticism of his home country and extremist Islam
The past week has been busy for Index and in Hong Kong. It is up to us all to ensure award winners and political prisoners are not forgotten
Campaigners, artists and journalists from Iran, Palestine, Russia and Uganda are named in awards ceremony in London this week
Denouncements of citizens for anti-Russian sentiment and punitive psychiatry are rising in the former Soviet Union
The Russian leader is revisiting the Cold War playbook by using mental manipulation to silence dissidents and its use is growing