Marta Cooper: Broadcasters reject press regulation
CATEGORY: Leveson Inquiry
Patten criticises relationship between politicians and News International
Marta Cooper: Patten criticises relationship between politicians and News International
BBC chief says statutory press regulation risks independence
Marta Cooper: BBC chief says statutory press regulation risks independence
Associated Newspapers loses Leveson journalist anonymity bid
Marta Cooper: Associated Newspapers loses Leveson journalist anonymity bid
In praise of the hacked — civil litigants exposed News International
Brian Cathcart: In praise of phone-hacking civil litigants — they exposed News International
Leveson suggests celebrity "privacy register"
Marta Cooper: Leveson suggests celebrity “privacy register”
Rusbridger says press "under-regulated and over-legislated"
Marta Cooper: Rusbridger says press “under-regulated and over-legislated”
Leveson hints at statutory backing for press regulator
Marta Cooper: Leveson hints at statutory backing for press regulator
Hislop: "If the state regulates the press, then the press no longer regulates the state"
Marta Cooper: “If the state regulates the press, then the press no longer regulates the state”, Hislop tells Leveson Inquiry
Sly Bailey rejects Mirror phonehacking claims
Marta Cooper: Sly Bailey rejects Mirror phonehacking claims