Marta Cooper: Harold Evans warns against statutory press regulation
CATEGORY: Leveson Inquiry
Jack Straw calls for privacy law
Marta Cooper: Jack Straw calls for privacy law
Leveson tells MPs to back off
Marta Cooper: Leveson tells MPs to back off
UK: Phone-hacking police charge Rebekah Brooks
Former News International Chief executive Rebekah Brooks has been charged with perverting the course of justice, as part of the. Brooks has been charged along with several others, including her husband Charlie, and four former members of News...
Campbell defends Labour relationship with Murdoch
Marta Cooper: Campbell defends Labour relationship with Murdoch
Brooks email puts further pressure on Hunt
Marta Cooper: Brooks email puts further pressure on Hunt
Andy Coulson gives evidence at Leveson Inquiry
Marta Cooper: Andy Coulson gives evidence at Leveson Inquiry
Sindy editor defends Coulson story after Leveson summons to explain "leak"
Update 14 May 2012: Lord Justice Leveson has said he will not pursue action under Section 36 of the 2005 Inquiries Act against the Independent on Sunday. He added that a detailed ruling on the matter will be published on the Inquiry website. The...
Police confirm Milly Dowler's phone was hacked but blame for message deletion unclear
Alice Purkiss: Police confirm Milly Dowler’s phone was hacked but blame for message deletion unclear
Free speech? Not when a newspaper sets a private eye on a journalist
Brian Cathcart: Free speech? Not when a newspaper sets a private eye on a journalist