CATEGORY: Magazine

Book fairs and freedom

Book fairs and freedom

After Gothenburg and Frankfurt book fairs faced tension over who was allowed to attend, we asked four leading thinkers, Peter Englund, Ola Larsmo, Jean-Paul Marthoz, Tobias Voss, to debate the issue

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Между молотом и наковальней

Entre la espada y la pared

Los periodistas mexicanos son objeto de amenazas por parte de un gobierno corrupto y cárteles violentos, y no siempre pueden confiar en sus compañeros de oficio. Duncan Tucker nos lo cuenta.

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Podcast: Prague Spring to today

Podcast: Prague Spring to today

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The winter issue of Index on Censorship looks at the state of protest 50 years after 1968, the year the world took to the streets. The...

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Закрытые глаза

Закрытые глаза

Кампания против журналистов, которые освещали преследования гомосексуалистов в Чечне, чётко демонстрирует опасности вещания истины в этом коррумпированном государстве.

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Закрытые глаза

Mirar hacia otro lado

Las violentas represalias que están sufriendo los reporteros que cubren la persecución de los homosexuales en Chechenia pone de relieve los peligros de sacar la verdad a la luz en un estado corrupto.

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A quarterly journal set up in 1972, Index on Censorship magazine has published oppressed writers and refused to be silenced across hundreds of issues.

A quarterly journal set up in 1972, Index on Censorship magazine has published oppressed writers and refused to be silenced across hundreds of issues.

The brainchild of the poet Stephen Spender, and translator Michael Scammell, the magazine’s very first issue included a never-before-published poem, written while serving a sentence in a labour camp, by the Soviet dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who went on to win a Nobel prize later that year.

The magazine continued to be a thorn in the side of Soviet censors, but its scope was far wider. From the beginning, Index declared its mission to stand up for free expression as a fundamental human right for people everywhere – it was particularly vocal in its coverage of the oppressive military regimes of southern Europe and Latin America but was also clear that freedom of expression was not only a problem in faraway dictatorships. The winter 1979 issue, for example, reported on a controversy in the United States in which the Public Broadcasting Service had heavily edited a documentary about racism in Britain and then gone to court attempting to prevent screenings of the original version. Learn more.