A joint statement by the International Counsel Team at Doughty Street Chambers, Index on Censorship and Human Rights Foundation

A joint statement by the International Counsel Team at Doughty Street Chambers, Index on Censorship and Human Rights Foundation
As the list of those persecuted in the country grows, it is obvious that Iran’s leadership is systemically opposed to musical free expression
Since Iranian singer-songwriter Gola fled her home country in 2011, she has continued her fight for women’s rights in exile
A formerly imprisoned, exiled journalist talks about his plans to return to Syria and resume reporting
Peaceful demonstration is a fundamental form of self expression, and a crucial mechanism of any democracy
Index looks at why being a scientist in Iran is so dangerous, and what is left behind when advancement is hindered
Joint statement by the International Counsel Team at Doughty Street Chambers, Index on Censorship and Human Rights Foundation
The past week has been busy for Index and in Hong Kong. It is up to us all to ensure award winners and political prisoners are not forgotten
Campaigners, artists and journalists from Iran, Palestine, Russia and Uganda are named in awards ceremony in London this week