يتعرض الصحفيون العراقيون للهجوم من جميع الجهات، ولهذا السبب، تم اطلاق سلسلة من برامج تدريبية حول السلامة خلال التغطية الصحفية في ساحات المعارك، ومكافحة التهديدات والأخطار اليومية في شوارع المدن. التقرير التالي من إعداد المدرّبة والصحفية لورا سيلفيا باتاليا
Underground music around the world playlist
In some countries, there have been flourishing underground music scenes sprouting up in the last few years, despite a continuing trend of censorship of the arts and governmental suppression
Chris Ames: Who’s behind the Chilcot Inquiry delay?
Despite his repeated assertions that it is nothing to do with him, it is now clear that British Prime Minister David Cameron not only has the power...
Naming and shaming: 8 countries egregiously violating religious freedom
The U.S. State Department names and shames eight “Countries of Particular Concern” that severely violate religious freedom rights within their borders. Now an independent watchdog is naming and shaming the State Department, saying its list should be doubled. Brian Pellot reports
Iraqi newspaper bombed after Ayatollah caricature
Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed has fought for its independence for 10 years. It needs solidarity now more than ever, says Anneke van Ammelrooy