The Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms discuss the country’s ongoing strife and what can be done to end it at a Doughty Street panel

The Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms discuss the country’s ongoing strife and what can be done to end it at a Doughty Street panel
It has been seven years since Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, the Bahraini defender of human rights, was arrested. His daughters joined a protest outside the Bahrain Embassy calling for his release and shining a light on human rights violations in the country.
In 2011 Bahraini human rights defenders were arrested for pro-democratic activism. Seven years on, monthly protests are reminders of ongoing injustice.
Seven years ago this month, renowned human rights defender and former Index award winner Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja was dragged from his home in Bahrain, tortured, tried in a military court, and sentenced to life in prison for his peaceful role in 2011...
Index condemns the decision to sentence Bahraini human rights defender – and Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Award winner – Nabeel Rajab to five years in prison.
The undersigned regional and international NGOs join Tunisian organisations in their demands that the government immediately withdraw a draft law on the broadcasting regulator which fails to meet international standards on freedom of expression and...
The 19th hearing of the leading Bahraini human rights defender Nabeel Rajab was unexpectedly held earlier than the court had originally ruled.
To: His Excellency Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Re: Call for action to condemn the Egyptian authorities’ crackdown on freedom of expression Mr High Commissioner, We, the undersigned organisations, are...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Nabeel Rajab’s sentence to two years in prison for speaking to journalists was upheld on 22 November 2017 by a Bahraini appeals court at the conclusion of a long-running, unfair trial. Rajab will serve his...
Rights groups have written to 11 states and the EU calling for action ahead of the conclusion of Bahraini human rights defender Nabeel Rajab’s appeal.