Nabeel Rajab, the Bahraini human rights activist and Index award winner, was due to stand trial on 2 August over comments he made on Twitter criticising government institutions. It has now been postponed until 5 September

Nabeel Rajab, the Bahraini human rights activist and Index award winner, was due to stand trial on 2 August over comments he made on Twitter criticising government institutions. It has now been postponed until 5 September
We, the undersigned, express our deep concern with the Bahraini Public Prosecution’s decision to charge Nazeeha Saeed, correspondent for Radio Monte Carlo Doualiya and France24, with unlawfully working for international media.
An Index tweet from March is being used as evidence against Nabeel Rajab, a Bahraini human rights activist
In the short three months since the Index on Censorship Awards, the 2016 fellows have been busy striking for stronger freedom of expression around the world
Index strongly protests the continued judicial harassment of Nabeel Rajab, a respected Bahraini human rights defender, and calls for his immediate and unconditional release.
The family of murdered journalist and Sunday Times correspondent Marie Colvin has filed a lawsuit against the Syrian government
Facing charges related to comments on the social media website Twitter, Nabeel Rajab may be sentenced to more than ten years in prison.
Yesterday, the European Parliament adopted, with a large majority, a resolution condemning recent human rights abuses performed by Bahraini authorities
Index on Censorship is deeply concerned by news that Bahraini human rights activist Nabeel Rajab has been hospitalised while in prison
Index on Censorship remains deeply concerned about the treatment of human rights activist Nabeel Rajab, whose detention was extended by another eight days. He has been held since 13 June.