Meet the artists and arts producers whose work challenges repression and injustice and celebrates artistic free expression

Meet the artists and arts producers whose work challenges repression and injustice and celebrates artistic free expression
Laws designed to stop political ads being used for misinformation on Facebook are being used to target opponents to Egypt’s government
The 34-year-old mother of two was sentenced to 34 years for exercising her freedom of expression
The attack on the Supreme Court is just one way in which due process and dissent are coming under fire
Bahar al-Assad is using the natural disaster that has killed thousands to launder his reputation internationally while ordinary Syrians suffer
Erdogan’s state of emergency must not last longer than is absolutely necessary to deliver a humanitarian response to the disaster
The name of the woman murdered by Iran’s “morality police” was Jina Amini but Kurds in the country cannot use their real names, says British-Kurdish writer and organiser Elif Sarican