Tunisian woman under fire for bare-breasted protest

Tunisian woman under fire for bare-breasted protest

A 19-year-old Tunisian women’s rights activist, known only as Amina, has come under fire for posting a topless photograph of herself online. Amina is a member of FEMEN, a Ukranian radical feminist group notorious for their topless protests. Weeks ago, Amina uploaded a picture of herself  to a website she started for the group in Tunisia, with ”My Body is My Own and Not the Source of Anyone’s Honor” written across her bare chest. Late last week, the Paris-based head of the group, Inna Shevchenko, claimed that Amina had been committed to a psychiatric ward by her family members. Shevchenko told the Atlantic that she last heard from Amina on 18 March. Her disappearance came after a 16 March appearance on Tunisian talkshow Labes to […]

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Free speech in Tunisia: New year, same fears

Free speech in Tunisia: New year, same fears

Free speech in Tunisia will continue to remain in jeopardy as a new year kicks off. During the next few months, the National Constituent Assembly (NCA) is scheduled to adopt Tunisia’s new constitution. Last December, the NCA published a second...

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Take action to end impunity in Tunisia

Take action to end impunity in Tunisia

From 1 to 23 November, The International Free Expression Exchange's (IFEX) International Day to End Impunity campaign is highlighting cases where "an individual who has been threatened, attacked or worse for expressing themselves." In all the case...

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Tunisia builds blasphemy law

Tunisia builds blasphemy law

In Tunisia, politicians and the people are abandoning freedom of expression. In a conservative society, Islamists’ obsession with blasphemy and the opposition’s passivity in defying an illiberal constitutional clause are placing free speech and...

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