CATEGORY: minipost

Syria: Journalist killed in Homs

Syrian journalist Mazhar Tayyara was killed by government forces' fire in the city of Homs, a centre of the Syrian resistance against President Bashar al-Assad, on 4 February. Tayyara, a stringer for Agence France-Presse and other international...

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Yemen: Newspaper under siege

The offices of a Yemeni newspaper have been surrounded by armed men for over a week. On February 2, state-run daily Al-Thawra was surrounded by hundreds of men loyal to President Ali Abdullah Saleh. The attack followed the paper's decision to print...

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Brazil: Political journalist shot dead

Brazilian political journalist Mário Randolfo Marques Lopes and his girlfriend were kidnapped and shot dead in the early hours of 9 February in Barra do Piraí, Rio de Janeiro state. Known for being critical of local authorities on his website,...

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Iran: Internet censorship increases

Internet censorship has dramatically increased in Iran over the last week. On 7 February, internet users in Iran began reporting an increase in the blocking and filtering of certain kinds of internet traffic in the country. Many users complained of...

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