CATEGORY: minipost

Kuwait: Man jailed for comments on Twitter

Sunni activist Mubarak al-Bathali has been sentenced to three months in jail by a Kuwaiti court for comments about Shiite Muslims made on his Twitter account. A few weeks ago, he was arrested by secret police, and charged with "undermining national...

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China: Fears of censorship of Diablo 3

Video game fans awaiting the release of Diablo 3 in China fear that the game will be heavily censored. Amid reports that the game has entered the beta-testing phase, rumours that it is quite bloody are making Chinese fans nervous that they will...

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China: journalist attacked

A journalist covering the house arrest of a blind Chinese Chen Guangcheng  activist had her passport stolen and was forcibly removed from the activist's villiage earlier today.  Rachel Beitarie from Calcalist and Israel radio reported...

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