The Chinese authorities are holding a group of South Korean journalists from a daily newspaper on suspicion of spying. The group, which is believed to consist of four journalists, the head of a Seoul-based government transport research centre and...
CATEGORY: minipost
Kuwait: Man jailed for comments on Twitter
Sunni activist Mubarak al-Bathali has been sentenced to three months in jail by a Kuwaiti court for comments about Shiite Muslims made on his Twitter account. A few weeks ago, he was arrested by secret police, and charged with "undermining national...

European Court rejects Max Mosley appeal
Former motorsport boss turned privacy campaigner Max Mosley has had his appeal to the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights rejected. Mosley had hoped to overturn a May ruling establishing that media outlets were not required to...
China: Fears of censorship of Diablo 3
Video game fans awaiting the release of Diablo 3 in China fear that the game will be heavily censored. Amid reports that the game has entered the beta-testing phase, rumours that it is quite bloody are making Chinese fans nervous that they will...
Belarus: Activist “beaten by police” before being jailed
A Belarusian opposition activist has claimed he was beaten and detained by police before being sentenced to 15 days in prison. Kastus Zhukouski was charged with insulting police and resisting arrest. The activist said he noticed a police car...
UK media should not be forced to hand over riot footage
Index on Censorship is concerned by reports that news organisations are to hand over footage of August’s riots in England. “Moves such as this force journalists to become the eyes and ears of the state, said John Kampfner, Chief Executive of Index...
Uganda: Writer arrested after publishing book critical of president
Ugandan writer Vincent Nzaramba was arrested from his home on 17 September, after penning a book critical of President Yoweri Museveni. According to eyewitnesses, two police vehicles were waiting at Nzaramba's home, and after searching his home for...
Ukraine: TV journalists protest channel closures
Ukranian journalists have gathered in Kharkiv to protest the closure of local television channels. The protesters, who gathered at the Mayor's office on Monday, taped their mouths closed and brought a symbolic coffin which they said was filled with...
“Twitter terrorists” freed in Mexico, charges dropped
Two people jailed for making "alarmist" posts on Twitter were freed yesterday after four weeks in prison in Mexico. Maria de Jesus Bravo, a local journalist, and maths teacher Gilberto Martinez Vera, had the charges of terrorism and sabotage...
China: journalist attacked
A journalist covering the house arrest of a blind Chinese Chen Guangcheng activist had her passport stolen and was forcibly removed from the activist's villiage earlier today. Rachel Beitarie from Calcalist and Israel radio reported...