Parents and students at a high school in New Jersey have launched a petition to have books, including the play Death and the Maiden by Chilean playwright
CATEGORY: mobile
Dunja Mijatovic: We don’t need new laws limiting speech
Each autumn, more than 1,000 government and civil society representatives from 57 countries of the OSCE
Manick Govinda: Artistic expression is a value that must be defended
Ahead of the Battle of Ideas 2015, Manick Govinda explores why art should be dangerous, unsettling, funny, an emotional journey, beautiful, entertaining and, yes, obscene.
Julia Farrington: Pre-emptive censorship by the police is a clear infringement of civil liberties
In 1972, Michael Scammell, first editor of Index on Censorship magazine wrote in the first edition – “Freedom of expression is not self-perpetuating, but needs to be maintained by the constant vigilance of those who care about it.” We obviously haven’t been very vigilant here in the UK
Malaysian police target online sales of cartoonist’s latest book
Index on Censorship condemns the ongoing harassment of cartoonist Zunar and his colleagues
Journalists covering refugee crisis attacked by Hungarian police
At least eight journalists were beaten and three detained as they covered a clash between refugees and the Hungarian police at the border with
NGOs invite states to sign UN joint-statement on Bahrain
The Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy alongside 16 NGOs including Index on Censorship today voiced our support for the UN joint-statement
Your lips are sealed
Two new elements in the government’s legislation programme are a real threat to free speech, campaigners tell Dominic Smith
Padraig Reidy: When it comes to public figures, we should err away from caution
This week’s intervention by Lord Ashcroft might not be the best example of the old speak-truth-to-power schtick, but being rude about powerful people is very important and even cathartic
Don’t weaken the UK’s Freedom of Information Act
Index joins media and campaign groups to oppose government’s Freedom of Information review