In an unprecedented move, the heads of India’s three major media regulators, all retired judges, sat on a single platform with the current Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Manish Tewari, to discuss the way forward for media regulation. Mahima Kaul reports
CATEGORY: Religion and Culture
Bloodhound Gang under fire for desecration of Russian flag
A criminal case has been opened against American band the Bloodhound Gang in Russia, after bassist Jared Hannegan shoved a Russian flag down his...
From Assange to Murdoch: Australia’s free speech landscape
As Australians go to the polls, how does their country shape up on free expression? Helen Clark reports
Hampstead teacher: Leave those kids alone!
What right does a North London head teacher have to report an “anarchist” student blogger to the police, asks Padraig Reidy
Richard Dawkins, communalism, and the death of an Indian hero
The atheist campaigner and his opponent should avoid easy generalisations that play into the hands of fundamentalists, says Padraig Reidy
United Kingdom: A tarnished reputation for free expression
The United Kingdom has a reasonably good freedom of expression environment although for a long-established democracy, its record is average.
Bedtime propaganda and parental responsibility
After a long day of work and parenting, my wife and I read our child stories in the hope that her five-year old brain and body will drift into...
United States: Free expression constrained by cultural and political factors
Freedom of expression is generally protected in the US, but political, legal, economic and cultural factors continue to constrain this fundamental right.
Germany: A positive environment for free expression clouded by surveillance
The situation with regards to freedom of expression in Germany is largely positive, but there are questions over internal mass surveillance.
Russia: Rolling back free expression
Russia’s environment for free expression is deteriorating, especially since the 2012 re-election of President Vladimir Putin.