Being wary of quick fixes for online abuse is not the same as being dismissive of misogyny, says Padraig Reidy

Being wary of quick fixes for online abuse is not the same as being dismissive of misogyny, says Padraig Reidy
Amidst Egypt’s conflict and division, a third group has emerged between the military and the Morsi supporters — one whose members hope to re-unite Egyptians behind the common cause of “a free, democratic and civil Egypt.” Shahira Amin reports
Pope Francis’ remarks about gays and Catholicism left some in Brazil hoping for more dialogue, but drew criticism from some equal rights leaders. Rafael Spuldar reports
Do you have a right to take critics to court, asks Padraig Reidy
YouTube has been blocked in Pakistan since September 2012 for hosting the “blasphemous” Innocence of Muslims film. But now the country’s parliament has been asked to define what actually constitutes blasphemy. Sana Saleem has some suggestions
A Saudi activist is being punished after calling for a “day of liberalism”, Padraig Reidy reports
Pippa Middleton is reported to have threatened legal action against a spoof twitter account and book. But a recent study claims that parody has cultural and economic benefits for Britain, and the government is set to loosen copyright laws. Padraig Reidy writes
José Cristian Góes says case brought against him is a “direct attack on free speech. Rafael Spuldar reports
The European Union Foreign Affairs Council last week released its guidelines on promoting and protecting religious freedom. The guidelines, designed to set standards for the EU’s external dealings, make, for the most part, encouraging reading, Padraig Reidy writes
Tunisian rapper Alaa Yacoub (aka Weld 15) has been jailed for a song uploaded to YouTube against the police, after he came out of hiding to appear at a retrial earlier this month. Sara Yasin reports