Journalists covering MH17 threatened by separatists

Separatists in East Ukraine threatened journalists reporting on the Malaysia Airlines MH17 disaster. The plane was downed on Thursday 18 July killing 298 people, including 193 Dutch citizens.

Writing for The Daily Beast, Anna Nemtsova and two colleagues were detained at the morgue by separatists.

On Monday 21 July, Rudy Bouma, a reporter for the Dutch TV broadcaster Nieuwsuur, took photos of rebels carrying weapons at the train station in Donetsk. The separatists controlled the train that was carrying the bodies of the victims.

More reports from The Netherlands via

Journalist denied entrance to public court hearing

‘Rules for using drones by journalists too restricted’

Journalists’ cameras seized by police

Dutch magazine on trial for photographing princess

This article was posted on July 21, 2014 at

Draw the Line: Creative bombshells – Can art or journalism ever be terrorism?

Courtesy of Rene-Gagnon

Can a piece of writing lead to someone detonating a bomb? Does art have the power to incite violent acts of terrorism? When does a piece of writing, or a painting, or a film cross the line from being art or journalism into an act of terrorism?

On June 23rd 2014, 3 journalists from the TV network Al Jazeera were sentenced to between 7 and 10 years in prison in Egypt on charges of terrorism for interviewing a named terrorist organisation. This sparked international outrage with many organisations condemning the arrests, but how do we define acts of terrorism? For this month’s Draw the Line event, Index on Censorship wants to know if you think creating something associated with terrorists can be terrorism?

We want to look at whether words or images can be weapons? Can a controversial article or artwork just be providing another side to the story? By suppressing works are we limiting free speech or protecting the public from incitements to hatred that could lead to violent acts of terrorism?

Join Index on Censorship for a lively debate where we will look at different cases of art and journalism being accused of terrorism and ask – where do you draw the line?

WHEN: Monday 4th August, 2.30pm
WHERE: Index on Censorship, 92-94 Tooley St, London, SE1 2TH
This event is FREE for under 25s, please RSVP here.

DRAW THE LINE is a new project for tomorrow’s leaders, artists, journalists and campaigners to get involved in fighting censorship: share your thoughts in the #IndexDrawtheLine discussion forum, take on the debate at our monthly events or contribute to our Young Writers / Artists programme. Tell us – where do you draw the line?

#IndexDrawTheLine: Can art or journalism ever be terrorism?

Three Al Jazeera journalists were among those sentenced to prison on terrorism charges.

Three Al Jazeera journalists were among those sentenced to prison on terrorism charges.

In 1997, British journalist Robert Fisk interviewed Bin Laden. Fisk was not accused of being a terrorist, he was only doing his job. For decades, journalists have been interviewing terrorists, criminals and drug lords, because this is their job; to give a voice to everybody, whether they agree with them or not.

Last month, Egypt sentenced three Al Jazeera journalists to seven years in prison under the country’s anti-terrorism laws; they were accused of spreading false information, as well as supporting the now banned Muslim Brotherhood. In an extremely polarised political climate, giving a voice to the Muslim Brotherhood was deemed inciteful and inflammatory.

Art has been a means of stretching the boundaries, but can art sometimes be a public safety risk?

A series of cartoons, some of which depicted Prophet Mohammed, published by a Danish newspaper in 2005 sparked angry and violent protests across the Arab world. The same happened again when a 13 minute trailer of a movie called Innocence of Muslims appeared on Youtube two years ago. Earlier this year, French comic and political activist Dieudonné M’bala M’bala was banned from performing after his shows were found to incite racial hatred and anti-semitic sentiment by French courts. The comedian was also banned from entering the United Kingdom.

These cases raise a very important question: When does giving a platform to extremist views through art or journalism become an act of terrorism? Should artists or journalists be exempt from terrorism laws or should inflammatory works be banned?

Get involved the discussion using the hashtag #IndexDrawtheLine and tell us — where do you draw the line?

Index Youth Advisory Board

Index on Censorship is now recruiting for its next Youth Advisory Board for a six month term (December 2014 to May 2015). The board is open to 16-25 year old volunteers from around the world.

To apply to be on our youth board please send your CV and a covering letter to [email protected], stating what you think is the most pressing free speech issue of the moment.

Deadline for applications is 7th November 2014 at 5pm.

Find more information about the role of Index’s Youth Advisory Board and current board members below.

What is the youth board?

The youth board is a specially selected group of young people aged 16-25 who will advise and inform Index on Censorship’s work, supporting our ambition to fight for free expression all around the world and ensuring our engagement with issues relevant to tomorrow’s leaders.

Why has Index started a youth board?

Index on Censorship is committed to fighting censorship not only now, but also in future generations, and we want to ensure that the realities and challenges experienced by young people in today’s world are properly reflected in our work.

Index is also aware that there are many who would like to commit some or all of their professional lives to fighting for human rights and the youth board is our way of supporting the broadest range of young people to develop their voice, find paths to freely expressing it and potential future employment in the human rights/media/arts sectors.

What does the youth board do?

Board members meet once a month via Google Hangout to discuss the most pressing freedom of expression issues of the moment and to set a monthly question for our project, Draw the Line. You will be expected to write a minimum of 1 blog post introducing/concluding the question of the month and to help us spread the word about Index.

There is also the opportunity to get involved with events such as debates and workshops for our work with young people and also events such as our annual Index Freedom of Expression Awards and Index magazine launches.

How do people get on the youth board?

Each youth board will sit for a term of 6 months.

Current board members are invited to reapply up to one time.

The board will be selected by Index on Censorship in an open and transparent manner and in accordance with our commitment to promoting diversity.

Why join the Index on Censorship youth board?

You get the chance to be associated with a prestigious media and human rights organisation and have the opportunity to discuss issues you feel strongly about with Index and with other amazing young people (internationally). At each Board meeting we will also give you the chance to speak to someone senior within Index or the media/human rights/arts sectors, helping you to develop your knowledge and extend your personal networks and you’ll be featured on our website.

Index on Censorship Youth Advisory Board

Alice Olsson

Alice Ollson

Alice is a student journalist and human rights advocate. Originally from Stockholm, Sweden, she is currently reading English and related literature at the University of York. Her main research interest is contemporary freedom and resistance writing, particularly the function of different media channels in modern revolution narratives.

Daniel Rey

Daniel Rey

Daniel is an eighteen-year-old student about to begin his studies at St Andrews University. Daniel thinks that freedom of expression and freedom of speech are important primarily due to their central role in the functioning of a democratic state and a civic society.

Farah Wael

Farah Wael

Farah is an Egyptian who has been working on freedom of expression issues, with a special focus on press freedom in the Middle East and Arab world. She now lives somewhere between Cairo, Paris and Beirut.

Margot Tudor

Margot Tudor

Margot is studying history at the University of Bristol. She became interested in free expression issues thanks to the Libel Reform movement in 2010. Since then Margot has developed her involvement in current affairs by being a reporter for Epigram Newspaper and becoming deputy head of news for UBTV.

Morgan Meaker

Morgan Meaker

Morgan is a human rights and arts journalist based in London. Morgan has been published by The Young Greens, Dazed & Confused, Time Out, The Huffington Post and London Calling. While living in Berlin, she set up political art magazine The Illuminator and she is currently working on the launch of SOUF – a platform dedicated to South London.

Priyanka Mogul


Priyanka is manager of the International Political Forum and studies journalism with human rights at Kingston University. She is also communications intern for the United Nations Association and has just been re-elected for her third term as president of the Kingston University Journalism Society. Priyanka recently founded the Spread The Word Campaign, which aims to open libraries in homeless shelters across London.

Sheema Ghani

Sheema Ghani

Sheema studied to become an engineer from NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi. Sheema’s desire to be an agent for a positive change in her society has allowed her to play an important role in the rehabilitation of victims of bomb blasts and natural calamities. Being a supporter of interfaith harmony, minority rights and free media, she is proud to represent Pakistan on the youth board at Index on Censorship.

Sophie Armour

Sophie Armour

Sophie is an editor at a media analysis company, as well as a freelance writer and active member of the Green Party. A journalism graduate originally from Manchester, she spent five years as a freelance music journalist, going on to run London nightlife blog and digital magazine, Standard London Evening.