Ditching the Y-word

As a new campaign targets anti-Semitism in football, Brian Glanville asks if getting Tottenham fans to ditch the self-referential “Yid Army” chant will solve anything

Government officials unnamed in Gongadze murder case

A Ukrainian court of appeal has prohibited any further attempts to identify the senior government officials alleged to be behind online journalist Georgiy Gongadze’s murder in 2000. The charge was lowered from “commissioned murder” to “murder on verbal orders”. This means that sanctions will apply only to the person who gave the orders and the person who committed the murder.  The person alleged to have given the order was the then interior minister Yuri Kravchenko, who died in mysterious circumstances in 2005.

Ukrainian journalist recovers some seized equipment

Journalist and blogger Olena Bilozerska has managed to recover some of the equipment and material which was illegally seized from her home in Kiev on 12 January. The police interrogation on 8 February included questions about her sources. The police returned some items but have kept 162 CDs and DVDs which contain material needed for her work. She regained her camera and video camera, neither of which was working. The authorities also returned her computer, which had been dismantled.