Journalists abducted in Mexico

On March 4, a reporter and camera operator for Milenio Televisión were kidnapped in Reynosa, Tamaulipas state (northeastern Mexico) while covering a wave of violence caused by a dispute between two of the regions rival drug trafficking groups. The journalists were later released with a warning, “Don’t come here to heat things up.”

Ciro Gómez Leyva, Assistant Editorial Director for the Milenio Group, who sent the crew to Reynosa, wrote in a column: “Every day in more regions in Mexico it is impossible to do reporting. Journalism is dead in Reynosa, etcetera. I have nothing else to say.”

“In the past 14 days, at least eight Mexican journalists have been abducted in Reynosa”,  Alfredo Corchado reports. “One died after a severe beating, according to reports that could not be independently verified. Two were released by their captors. The rest are missing.”

Journalist kidnapped and executed in northern Mexico

A journalist was kidnapped and killed in Durango state in northern Mexico on 2 November.

Bladimir Antuna García, a reporter for the police section of El Tiempo de Durango newspaper, was found dead on Monday according to the Durango attorney general’s office. Antuna García had been kidnapped by an armed group early Monday on his way to work in Durango city, the state capital.

On 26 May, following the murder of reporter Eliseo Barrón Hernández, someone called him and threatened that Antuna García would be next. Antuna García, whose work often focused on police matters, also told to the Center for Journalism and Public Ethics (CEPET) that he survived an assassination attempt on 26 April, when a gunman fired shots at him in front of his home.

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