Iran: Actress sentenced to year in prison for censorship film

On 8 October, Actress Marzieh Vafamehr was sentenced to 90 lashes and a year in jail for her performance in a film exploring censorship of artists in Iran, according to reports from, an Iranian opposition website. Vafamehr was in a controversial film called “My Tehran for Sale”, which is about a young actress who takes on a secret life in order to pursue her artistic dreams, after having her theatre work banned by Tehran authorities. Vafamehr, who was initially arrested after the July release of the film, was released on bail later that month. Her lawyer reportedly filed to appeal on 9 October.

Iran: BBC news chief seeks government action over “intimidation”

The Head of Global News at the BBC has sought government action over the increasing “intimidation” of their staff in Iran. In a BBC blog post Peter Horrocks claimed yesterday that there had been an increase in “anti-BBC rehtoric” following a broadcast the BBC aired on Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in mid September. The BBC Persian TV channel has been blocked, and 6 independent documentary makers whose films have appeared on the channel, have been arrested. Police and officials have also reportedly been arresting, questioning and intimidating family members of staff. Horrocks called for the British government to deter the Iranian government from these attempts to undermine free media.

Iran: Five filmmakers arrested

According to Iranian state media, five journalists allegedly working for BBC Persian were arrested on 17 September for filming a documentary without permission from the foreign press department of the culture ministry. The arrests were confirmed by Minister Mohammad Hosseini. The BBC has meanwhile released a statement stating that the journalists in question do not work for BBC Persian, contrary to reports from Iranian authorities. In the past, Iranian officials have accused BBC Persia, which is banned in Iran, of covering the nation negatively as well as inciting unrest.

Iran: Filmmaker stopped from boarding flight to film festival

On Monday, Iran prevented filmmaker Mojtaba Mirtahmasb from boarding a flight to Paris in order to attend the Toronto film festival, where his documentary about the detained filmmaker Jafar Panahi will be shown. The film shows a day in the life of Panahi, who is currently serving a six-year prison sentence for a film he made about the unrest in Iran following the disputed election in 2009.