Analysis: Index’s experts assess Hillary Clinton’s latest speech on internet freedom

Hillary Clinton web freedom speech
In a major speech on internet freedom, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has warned governments not to restrict online liberty, while saying she opposed confidential leaks. This comes in the midst of uprising and protest in Middle Eastern countries, and as the US attempts to gain access to Wikileaks members’ Twitter accounts. Index on Censorship consulted a number of experts for their verdict. Watch and read the full speech here.

Day of the imprisoned writer

It’s vital for democracies that we allow the free flow of information and ideas. On the Day of the Imprisoned Writer, Index on Censorship calls for a renewed campaign to support writers under threat

Burma: Japanese journalist deported

A Japanese journalist, who was detained while trying to slip across the Thai border, has been deported back to Thailand. Toru Yamaji, who works for the Tokyo-based AFP news agency, had been trying to cover the polling in the eastern border town Myawaddy, where deadly clashes between rebels and the army erupted the following day. The junta had banned international observers and foreign journalists from covering the 7 November election.

Thai authorities close 26 radio stations

Reports from Thailand state that 26 community radio stations have recently been closed down by the government using emergency decrees. Thai authorities claim that the stations incited people to join the Red Shirt protests earlier this year and were guilty of distorting information. The government had initiated a media blackout during the protests. Allegedly, 35 people linked to the stations are being threatened with lawsuits for the offences. Staff have been reminded not to air any political views at some community stations to avoid government censorship. Reports state that 500 officials were mobilised in closing down one station in Chiang Mai.