BBC Newshour presenter and CEO of Serpentine Galleries to judge international freedom of expression awards


Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards and Fellowship 2018

Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards Fellowship 2018

Index on Censorship is proud to announce that long-time BBC reporter Razia Iqbal and CEO of the world famous Serpentine Galleries Yana Peel will join a panel of judges to decide the 2018 Freedom of Expression Awards Fellowship winners.

The Freedom of Expression Awards, now in their 18th year, honour champions of free expression and those battling censorship around the world in the field of arts, campaigning, digital activism and journalism. Many have faced prosecution and punishment for their work.

Peel sits on advisory boards for the Tate, the British Fashion Council and the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, and is a young global leader of the World Economic Forum. Currently CEO of the Serpentine Galleries, she previously ran Intelligence Squared Group, a leading forum for live debate, and was a regular contributor to the Davos annual meeting and the DLD, particularly on topics at the intersection of technology and visual art.

Iqbal has been an arts correspondent for the BBC for over a decade and is one of the main presenters of Newshour, the flagship news and current affairs programme on BBC World Service radio, and regularly presents The World Tonight on BBC Radio 4.

Iqbal says “In my lifetime, there has never been a more critical time to fight for freedom of expression. Whether it is in countries where people are imprisoned or worse, killed, for saying things the state or others, don’t want to hear, it continues to be fought for and demanded. It is a privilege to be associated with the Index on Censorship judging panel.”

The judging panel will also include Raspberry Pi Ltd CEO Eben Upton, founder of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, a UK-based charity that advances computer science education in schools, who was recently elected to the fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2017; and Tim Moloney QC, deputy head of Doughty Street Chambers and Band 1 of Crime Silks, classed as leading silk in the current Legal 500.

Announcing the judging panel, Index on Censorship chief executive Jodie Ginsberg said:“Freedom of expression is a right that our award winners and nominees work tirelessly to defend. The awards draw attention to the repression that they face every day and give us a chance to celebrate and support these inspiring journalists, activists, and artists.

“We’re excited to announce this year’s remarkable panel of judges, who are leaders and experts in their fields. The Freedom of Expression Awards Fellowship recognise global free speech heroes and provide assistance so that their important work can continue.”

Previous winners of the Freedom of Expression Awards include Nobel Peace Prize winner Pakistani education campaigner Malala Yousafzai, Chinese political cartoonist Rebel Pepper and Yemeni street artist Murad Subay. Hundreds of public nominations are made for the awards each year. Many of those nominated are regularly targeted by authorities or by criminal and extremist groups for their work. Some face regular death threats, others criminal prosecution.

Previous judges include digital campaigner and entrepreneur Martha Lane Fox, Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka, Harry Potter actor Noma Dumezweni, novelist Elif Shafak, award-winning journalist and former editor-in-­chief of Vanity Fair and The New Yorker Tina Brown and human rights lawyer and shadow Brexit secretary Keir Starmer.

The Freedom of Expression Awards Fellowship ceremony 2018 will be held on April 19 in London.

For Index on Censorship

Sean Gallagher, [email protected]

About the Freedom of Expression Awards Fellowship

Winners of the 2018 Freedom of Expression Awards Fellowship receive 12 months of capacity building, coaching and strategic support. Through the fellowships, Index seeks to maximise the impact and sustainability of voices at the forefront of pushing back censorship worldwide. More information

About Index on Censorship

Index on Censorship is a London-based non-profit organisation that publishes work by censored writers and artists and campaigns against censorship worldwide. Since its founding in 1972, Index on Censorship has published some of the greatest names in literature in its award-winning quarterly magazine, including Samuel Beckett, Nadine Gordimer, Mario Vargas Llosa, Arthur Miller and Kurt Vonnegut. It also has published some of the world’s best campaigning writers from Vaclav Havel to Elif Shafak.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][staff name=”Razia Iqbal, Journalist” profile_image=”97201″]Razia Iqbal is a presenter for BBC News: she is one of the main presenters of Newshour, the flagship news and current affairs programme on BBC World Service radio. She also regularly presents The World Tonight on BBC Radio 4, a British weekday current affairs radio programme broadcast. Iqbal has hosted HARDtalk Extra, a BBC television and radio programme that conducts in depth one-on-one interviews with significant artists such as Pakistani pop star Haroon and prolific American writer, Joyce Carol Oates. She was the BBC’s arts correspondent for a decade, and has worked as a political reporter and a foreign correspondent in Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Iqbal has also made several successful documentaries through the BBC and presented on a variety of programmes. She was born in Kampala, Uganda and came to London as a child. Iqbal graduated with a BA in American Studies from the University of East Anglia and was nominated in 2013 for the “Services to Media” award at the British Muslims Awards. [/staff][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][staff name=”Tim Moloney QC, Barrister” profile_image=”97202″]Tim Moloney QC is the deputy head of Doughty Street Chambers. His practice encompasses crime, extradition, international criminal law, international death penalty litigation, public law and media law. Moloney consistently acts in high profile litigation across the spectrum of his practice. He also advises high profile organisations on their exposure to involvement with acts of terrorism and is regularly involved in training of lawyers overseas in the law and practice relating to terrorism and the death penalty. He also regularly advises media organisations on issues they face relating to terrorism and disclosure. Following the completion of his Ph.D, Moloney was a lecturer in law before being called to the Bar in 1993. He became a QC in 2010. He continues to write and lecture extensively. He is the author of the sexual offences, terrorism and appeals sections of the leading reference work, Blackstone’s Criminal Practice, and is the author of the sentencing chapters in Rook and Ward on Sexual Offences. Moloney is also a member of the panel of experts for Halsbury’s Laws.[/staff][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][staff name=”Yana Peel, Chief Executive” profile_image=”97203″]Yana Peel is CEO of the Serpentine Galleries, London, one of the most recognised organisations in the global contemporary art, design and architecture worlds. Prior to this she ran Intelligence Squared Group, the leading forum for live debate. Having co-founded Outset Contemporary Art Fund in 2003 as a hub for creative funding solutions for cultural projects, Peel maintains advisory positions across the arts that include: Tate, British Fashion Council, V-A-C Foundation Moscow, Lincoln Center and Asia Art Archive. At ParaSite Art Space and Intelligence Squared, she serves as board co-chair. Peel is a young global leader of the World Economic Forum and a regular contributor to the Davos annual meeting and DLD, particularly on topics at the intersection of technology and visual art. Her two children provide inspiration for her best-selling book series, Art for Baby, which benefits the National Society for the Protection against Cruelty to Children (NSPCC). Peel was born in St Petersburg, Russia, attended McGill University, completed her post-graduate studies in Economics at LSE, and started her career at Goldman Sachs.[/staff][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][staff name=”Eben Upton CBE, Chief Executive” profile_image=”97204″]Eben Upton CBE is a founder of the Raspberry Pi Foundation and serves as the CEO of Raspberry Pi Ltd, its commercial and engineering subsidiary. He is the co-author, with Gareth Halfacree of the Raspberry Pi User Guide, and with Jeff Duntemann and others of Learning Computer Architecture with Raspberry Pi. He was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2017. In an earlier life, he founded two successful mobile games and middleware companies, Ideaworks 3d and Podfun, held the post of director of studies for Computer Science at St John’s College, Cambridge, and wrote the Oxford Rhyming Dictionary with his father, Professor Clive Upton. He holds a BA in Physics and Engineering, a PhD in Computer Science, and an MBA, from the University of Cambridge.[/staff][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row_content” equal_height=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1515150485442{background-color: #cb3000 !important;}” el_class=”text_white”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_custom_heading text=”Support the Index Fellowship” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” use_theme_fonts=”yes” link=”|||”][vc_column_text]

By donating to the Freedom of Expression Awards you help us support individuals and groups at the forefront of tackling censorship.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1515150288338{background-image: url(×490-2.jpg?id=89631) !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Don’t lose your voice. Stay informed.” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Index on Censorship is a nonprofit that campaigns for and defends free expression worldwide. We publish work by censored writers and artists, promote debate, and monitor threats to free speech. We believe that everyone should be free to express themselves without fear of harm or persecution – no matter what their views.

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El filo de la noticia

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”A menudo los corresponsales en el extranjero tienen que ayudarse de guías (fixers en inglés), para informar desde países asolados por la guerra. Sin embargo, como revela Caroline Lees, estos pueden terminar en el punto de mira por espionaje si sus nombres se hacen conocidos en la zona”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]

Periodistas ucranianos toman asiento en una conferencia de prensa de la embajada de EE.UU, US Embassy Kiev Ukraine/Flickr

Periodistas ucranianos toman asiento en una conferencia de prensa de la embajada de EE.UU, US Embassy Kiev Ukraine/Flickr


Rauand arriesga la vida por desconocidos habitualmente. Este estudiante de informática de 25 años trabaja de guía: un tipo de periodista local que colabora con corresponsales extranjeros en Erbil, Irak. La ciudad está a solo una hora en coche de Mosul, ciudad bajo ocupación del Estado Islámico. En junio, el EI amenazó con matar a los periodistas «que hacen la guerra contra el Islam».

«Imagina que el EI llega a Erbil. Pues los guías serían los primeros a por los que irían», asegura Rauand, que ha trabajado para Vice News y la revista Time. «Al terminar los reportajes, el guía se queda en el país, mientras que el corresponsal, con su pasaporte extranjero, se puede marchar», añade.

Los guías llevan la logística para corresponsales extranjeros guiándolos y traduciendo para ellos, pero también investigan para artículos, adquieren contactos, organizan entrevistas y viajan al frente. La mayoría trabajan de forma independiente y son extremadamente vulnerables a amenazas y represalias, especialmente una vez se marchan sus colegas extranjeros. Según la organización Rory Peck Trust, que se dedica a apoyar a periodistas freelance alrededor del mundo, la cifra de reporteros independientes amenazados por colaborar con medios internacionales va en aumento.

«La mayoría de las peticiones de ayuda que recibimos nos llegan de reporteros locales que han sufrido amenazas, detenciones, prisión, asaltos e incluso el exilio por su trabajo», explica Molly Clarke, jefe de comunicaciones de Rory Peck. «Habitualmente ayudamos a gente a la que han atacado específicamente por su trabajo de colaboración con medios internacionales. En estos casos, las consecuencias pueden ser devastadoras y duraderas, y no solo para ellos: para sus familias también», denuncia Clarke.

Un informe del Comité para la Protección de los Periodistas —CPJ, por sus siglas en inglés— muestra que son 94 los «trabajadores de medios de comunicación» asesinados desde 2003: esta es la fecha en la que el CPJ comenzó a poner a los guías en una categoría aparte, como reconocimiento a la importancia creciente de estos en la transmisión de reportajes desde el extranjero. En junio de este año añadieron a Zabihulah Tamana, un periodista independiente afgano que trabajaba como traductor para la radio pública nacional de EE.UU., a la lista de asesinados cuando bombardearon el convoy en el que viajaba en Afganistán.

Muchos guías empiezan como aficionados sin experiencia, desesperados por conseguir trabajo remunerado en economías perjudicadas por los conflictos. Apenas reciben formación o apoyo continuado por parte de las organizaciones internacionales para las que trabajan, y a menudo deben encargarse de su propia protección. Rauand ha aprendido a no destacar en Erbil. Rara vez opta por firmar con su nombre los reportajes y artículos en los que contribuye. «Si mi nombre sale asociado a los artículos, ya no soy anónimo. Podrían sospechar de mí y tratarme como si fuera un espía», dijo.

Ser acusado de espionaje es un riesgo laboral para muchos de los guías que trabajan con periodistas extranjeros. Para aquellos trabajando en primera línea en la guerra entre Ucrania y los separatistas prorrusos, se trata de una amenaza diaria. En 2014, Anton Skiba, un productor local radicado en Donetsk, fue secuestrado por los separatistas y acusado de ser un espía ucraniano. Había pasado el día trabajando para la CNN en el lugar donde se estrelló el vuelo MH17 de Malaysian Airlines, en el este Ucrania, controlado por los separatistas. Skiba, que también ha trabajado para la BBC, fue finalmente liberado tras una campaña que organizaron sus compañeros del gremio. «Es muy importante mantener un equilibrio mientras tengas acceso a ambos lados del conflicto. De otro modo, lo más seguro es que uno de ellos acabe oprimiéndote», afirma.

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Skiba trata de protegerse eligiendo con cuidado a la gente con la que trabaja y las noticias que cubre. «Este es mi país y yo tengo que seguir viviendo aquí cuando los periodistas pasen al siguiente conflicto. No quiero arriesgar mi vida por una historia que al día siguiente ya no va a recordar nadie. Por eso intento evitar a periodistas poco profesionales y a los que usan a guías para que les consigan noticias ‘jugosas», dice.

Kateryna, otra guía de Donetsk, obtuvo acreditación de prensa tanto de las autoridades ucranianas como de la facción separatista enemiga, la República Popular de Donetsk, para evitar acusaciones de favorecer uno de los lados de la guerra más que al otro.

Pero esto no ha puesto fin a las amenazas y ni al acoso que sufre. Aunque nunca le dice a nadie que trabaja con periodistas internacionales, una página web ucraniana, Myrotvorets, reveló recientemente los nombres, direcciones de correo electrónico y números de teléfono de alrededor de 5000 periodistas extranjeros y autóctonos que han trabajado en la República Popular de Donetsk y en Luhansk, áreas disidentes fuera del control del gobierno ucraniano. Kateryna, de 28 años, aparecía varias veces en la lista, publicada en mayo de 2016, debido a su trabajo con la BBC, Al Jazeera y otros medios.

Los servicios de seguridad ucranianos han retenido e interrogado a Kateryna muchas veces por su trabajo. «A los dos años de trabajar con los medios extranjeros, pasas a primer plano en los intereses de los servicios de seguridad», asegura. «Y es mejor no subestimar su poder. Son lo bastante astutos para jugar con tu vida».

Últimamente se siente expuesta en Donetsk y quiere encontrar un trabajo distinto. «En cuanto se marcha un equipo de televisión, ya está», añade. «Solo una vez he sentido que les importaba a los medios internacionales. El pasado mayo, un colega de la BBC me preguntó si necesitaba ayuda, ahora que habían publicado mi nombre en Myrotvorets. Rechacé cualquier tipo de apoyo; era lo mínimo que pudo haberme pasado».

Pocos guías llegan a recibir compensación si se lesionan o mueren realizando su trabajo. Tampoco reciben la protección internacional de facto que se proporciona a los corresponsales que trabajan en el exterior. Solo en Afganistán, docenas de traductores, conductores y productores locales perdieron la vida entre 2003 y 2011; algunos, muertos en enfrentamientos, otros —como Aymal Naqshbandi, periodista, y Sayed Aga, conductor—  fueron ejecutados por los talibanes por haber trabajado con extranjeros

Saira, una guía de Kabul (Afganistán) que lleva nueve años en esto, solo puede trabajar si oculta no solo su identidad, sino también su propio cuerpo. Como mujer sufre amenazas y abusos constantes. Teme tanto ser castigada que no quiso darnos su nombre verdadero para este artículo. La joven de 26 años, que comenzó a trabajar con periodistas extranjeros para poder pagarse los estudios en la universidad de Kabul, dice que solo se siente a salvo con el rostro cubierto. «He viajado a algunos sitios peligrosos con periodistas extranjeros. Tuve que taparme la cara completamente con un burka para sentirme segura», explica.

«Para una mujer siempre es peligroso trabajar, incluso en Kabul. Eres blanco de comentarios hirientes y faltas de respeto. Mucha gente te culpa y llegan a llamarte infiel porque trabajas con gente no musulmana», añade Saira.

Cada vez se contrata a más guías que viven en zonas de conflicto consideradas demasiado peligrosas para los corresponsales extranjeros, y desde las cuales aquellos escriben y envían directamente las noticias a las redacciones internacionales. «Cada vez se depende más de periodistas independientes locales para conseguir noticias, artículos e imágenes en países y zonas a los que es muy difícil —o demasiado peligroso— que accedan [los reporteros internacionales]», explica Clarke. «No tenemos datos ni cifras exactas; nuestras pruebas son mayoritariamente anecdóticas y las obtenemos de lo que hemos visto y oído al realizar nuestra labor».

Almigdad Moyali era un guía que se convirtió en reportero cuando la guerra de Yemen forzó a muchos extranjeros a marcharse del país. Moyali, de 34 años, tenía buen nivel de inglés, conocía a la gente adecuada, tenía el respeto de la gente y estaba muy solicitado.

Prefería trabajar de forma anónima. «Le gustaba ser guía porque le permitía contar historias que en Yemen habría sido demasiado peligroso contar», relata Laura Battaglia, una periodista italiana que trabajaba con Moyali y entabló amistad con él. «Con su permiso omitimos su nombre en artículos difíciles, para protegerlo».

Pero cuando Moyali comenzó a cubrir noticias por su cuenta, esto lo metió en problemas con la milicia hutí, un grupo rebelde en control de Saná, la capital yemení. Prácticamente la primera de sus historias, que envió a redacciones europeas y estadounidenses firmadas con su nombre, le ganó la ira de la clase dirigente. Fue arrestado de inmediato y amenazado por agentes del gobierno. Perdió la vida en enero de este año, en un ataque aéreo en plena misión para Voice of America. Se encontraba viajando por una zona peligrosa en un coche sin marcar y sin nada que lo identificase como periodista.

La muerte de Moyali provoca preguntas acerca de la responsabilidad. Era autónomo, pero trabajaba para agencias de noticias internacionales. Mike Garrod, cofundador de World Fixer, una red digital que conecta a periodistas y trabajadores en sus países con reporteros internacionales, cree que algunos grupos de comunicación están comenzando a tomarse más en serio el papel que desempeñan en la protección de los trabajadores que contratan.

Garrod espera fundar un programa de formación en línea para periodistas y guías locales. El curso incluirá seguridad, evaluación de riesgos y estándares y ética periodística. «Los guías, en gran medida, carecen de formación y son vulnerables en entornos hostiles. A medida que se afianza la tendencia a utilizarlos para cosas que van mucho más allá de la traducción y la logística, existe una necesidad real de que entiendan ciertos conceptos y que demuestren que los entienden», expone Garrod. Para este artículo preguntamos a la BBC, la CNN y Reuters por sus guías. Todas se abstuvieron de comentar.

No obstante, el comportamiento de algunos periodistas individuales que emplean a guías en el campo es más complicado de regular, según Garrod. Nos contó la historia de un joven estudiante al que contrató un reportero extranjero para viajar al frente de la guerra de Irak cuando tenía 17 años. «La industria puede hacer muchísimo más para instar a los periodistas a que actúen de forma más responsable en lo concerniente a este asunto, pero me preocupa que no exista una voluntad de inspeccionar el modo en el que se consigue una noticia», lamenta.

Zia Ur Rehman, de 35 años, trabajó con corresponsales extranjeros en Karachi, Pakistán, entre 2011 y 2015. Cuenta que, mientras los periodistas de la ciudad entienden los peligros a los que se exponen allí, algunos reporteros extranjeros ignoran sus consejos. «Algunos cámaras y fotógrafos son groseros y maleducados, y tratan a sus guías como si fueran sus sirvientes. Como no conocen la complejidad y lo delicado de la situación, graban o sacan fotos sin consultar a su guía, cosa que ha acarreado problemas muy serios al equipo, sobre todo al guía», declara Rehman.

Ha habido casos en los que los servicios de seguridad pakistaníes han secuestrado a guías, que han sufrido palizas e incluso torturas por trabajar con periodistas extranjeros. Rehman dice que ya rara vez trabaja como guía; si lo hace, solo es para reporteros que ya conoce.

Más formación y el apoyo de las organizaciones internacionales que emplean a guías son dos elementos cruciales para su seguridad, pero es poco probable que suponga un gran cambio en áreas aún en control del Estado Islámico, decidido a silenciar a los periodistas, especialmente a los que trabajan con compañías extranjeras. En junio de este año, el CPJ denunció que el EI había ejecutado en Siria a cinco periodistas independientes. A uno lo ataron a su ordenador; a otro, a su cámara. Después los forraron de explosivos y los hicieron detonar. Habían sido acusados de trabajar con agencias extranjeras de noticias y de derechos humanos. El Estado Islámico publicó vídeos de la matanza a modo de advertencia para el resto.


Caroline Lees ha sido corresponsal en el sur de Asia para el periódico británico The Sunday Times. Actualmente es jefa de investigación en el Instituto Reuters para el Estudio del Periodismo en la Universidad de Oxford

*Algunos nombres de este artículo han sido modificados por motivos de seguridad

 Este artículo fue publicado en la revista Index on Censorship en otoño de 2017 

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Bahrain: Nabeel Rajab’s tweet trial brought forward, then adjourned to 7 December

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”95198″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]The 19th hearing of the leading Bahraini human rights defender Nabeel Rajab was unexpectedly held earlier than the court had originally ruled.

On 3 December, one of the lawyers was informally told by the court that the 2012 Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Award-winning Rajab’s hearing would take place on 5 December – almost 4 weeks earlier than the agreed date. The court claimed that this was because a key witness, the man who initially arrested Rajab and confiscated his electronic devices, would be travelling on 31 December and unable to attend the hearing.

The case is related to comments on Rajab’s Twitter account about the Saudi-led coalition airstrikes in Yemen, and further comments exposing the torture in Bahrain’s notorious Jau prison. If convicted, Rajab will be sentenced to 15 years imprisonment. He is already serving a two-year sentence for conducting TV interviews.

Despite the protests of Rajab’s lawyers, who wrote to the court on 4 December to ask that the arguments instead be heard on 31 December, the hearing went ahead on Tuesday 5 December. However, the hearing was adjourned until 7 December for the defence to be given further preparation time to prepare the questions and interview Nabeel. Rajab was not present at the hearing due to an ongoing illness.

Despite the Public Prosecution’s failure to provide any incriminating evidence against Rajab, the court continues to chase evidence against him. In November, the prosecution requested to call on the officer who confiscated Rajab’s electronic devices to be examined in court. This request was granted and the trial was adjourned to 31 December. The sudden rearrangement of the trial has not given Rajab’s legal team adequate time to prepare, and violates Rajab’s right to a fair trial.

Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei, director of advocacy at the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy, said: “The rescheduling of Nabeel’s trial for a significantly earlier date is especially worrying, since it suggests that he may be sentenced soon. It is probable that the government of Bahrain will use the distraction of the Christmas period to bury further news of Nabeel’s fate. The continued, unethical support of the UK and the US to Bahrain fosters a culture of impunity.”

Joy Hyvarinen, head of advocacy at Index on Censorship, said: “The moving of the hearing without due notice to Nabeel and his legal team violates his right to a fair trial and international norms for justice.”

In September 2017, a new set of charges was brought against Rajab related to social media posts. The posts were allegedly made in January 2017, when Rajab was already in detention and without internet access. Rajab also faces a fourth set of charges relating to a letter he penned to the New York Times in September 2016. In July 2017 he was sentenced to two years in prison for “spreading false news”; An appeal court upheld his sentence last month.

Rajab was transferred from the Manama Fort hospital to Jau Prison on 25 October 2017. On arrival he was immediately mistreated, subjected to a humiliating physical search, and shaved against his will. All of his personal effects, including books, clothes, toiletries and his shaving set, were confiscated. He is now kept with another 5 prisoners in a very small cell of no more than 3×3 meters.

Rajab is being continuously deprived of his basic rights in Jau Prison. He is denied any books, a specially-designed pillow that he requires for medical reasons, and the cotton clothing his family members gave to him. The clothing is particularly important, given that Nabeel is allergic to the synthetic clothes provided by Jau Prison.

Rajab also complains of a poor, insufficient diet; he is not allowed to visit the prison canteen to buy snacks and is allowed out of his cell for no more than one hour each day. A formal complaint to the Ombudsman has already been made about his treatment, but with no positive results so far.

Rajab, President of the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, was arrested on 13 June 2016 and has been detained ever since. He was held largely in solitary confinement in the first nine months of his detention, violating the UN Standard Minimum Rules for Non-Custodial Measures (Tokyo Rules) which state: “pre-trial detention shall be used as a means of last resort in criminal proceedings, with due regard for the investigation of the alleged offence and for the protection of society and the victim.”

In early April 2017, Rajab was admitted to the Bahrain Defence Force hospital for a necessary surgery. He was transferred back to police custody just a day later, before he had fully recovered from his operation. As a result, his health deteriorated significantly; from there he was transferred to the Ministry of Interior Clinic (Al-Qalaa), where he remains to date. Between April and August 2017, Rajab was unable to attend court, leading numerous hearings to be held in his absence. Rajab was transferred back to Jau Prison in October.

The UN Committee Against Torture has called for Rajab’s release.

The UK Foreign Office stated: “We continue to closely monitor the case of Nabeel Rajab and have frequently raised it with the Bahraini Government at the highest levels. The UK Government continues to emphasise the need to respect the rights of all citizens, including freedom of expression.”

In the US, the Trump administration this year removed Obama-era human rights conditions on arms sales, one of which was the unconditional release of Rajab. In November, President Trump announced the advancement of $9 billion in commercial deals with the government of Bahrain, including finalizing the purchase of several American F16 jets.

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Court rejects Nabeel Rajab’s appeal against prison sentence for speaking to journalists


Protesters call for freedom for Nabeel Rajab outside the Bahraini embassy in London.

Protesters call for freedom for Nabeel Rajab outside the Bahraini embassy in London.

Nabeel Rajab’s sentence to two years in prison for speaking to journalists was upheld on 22 November 2017 by a Bahraini appeals court at the conclusion of a long-running, unfair trial.

Rajab will serve his sentence at notorious Jau Prison until December 2018, by which time he will have actually spent two and a half years in prison. He faces up to 15 years in prison in a second case related to his comments on Twitter, with the next hearing on 31 December. Index on Censorship and the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) condemns Rajab’s imprisonment, which is a reprisal against his work as a human rights defender, and calls for his immediate and unconditional release.

Rajab was sentenced in absentia on 10 July 2017 on charges of “publishing and broadcasting fake news that undermines the prestige of the state” under article 134 of Bahrain’s Penal Code. This is in relation to statements he has made to media that:

  • International Journalists and researchers are barred from entering the country

  • The courts lack independence and controlled by the government. Use judiciary as a tool to crush dissidents.

  • Foreign mercenaries are employed in the security forces to repress citizens

  • Torture is systematic in Bahrain.

In the last appeal court hearing on 8 November, the judge refused to allow the defence’s evidence, which included testimonies of high-profile journalists and researchers who had been banned from entering Bahrain.

Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei, Director of Advocacy, BIRD: “This is a slap in the face of free expression and tragically proves Nabeel’s point that the justice system is corrupt. Bahrain’s rulers are fearful of the truth and have lashed out against it once again. This Bahraini repression has been enabled by their western allies in the US and UK.”

Jodie Ginsberg, CEO, Index on Censorship: “This is an outrageous decision. Nabeel has committed no crime. Bahrain needs to end this injustice and its harassment of Nabeel.”

The Bahraini courts have failed to provide Rajab, the president of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR), a fair trial at every turn. He has been prosecuted for his expression, as protected under article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. During his hospitalisation earlier this year, multiple court hearings were held in Rajab’s absence, including his sentencing in July.

Rajab had a separate hearing on 19 November 2017 in a concurrent case relating to his tweets about torture in Bahrain’s notorious Jau Prison and the Saudi-led coalition’s war in Yemen, for which he faces up to 15 additional years in prison. The court heard a prosecution witness, who had already appeared in a previous hearing last year, and who was not able to provide any evidence against Rajab. The trial was adjourned to 31 December 2017, when the security officer who confiscated Rajab’s electronic devices for another case will be brought as a prosecution witness. The next court hearing will be the eighteenth since the trial began.

Rajab also has been charged with “spreading false news” in relation to a letter he wrote to the New York Times in September 2016. A new set of charges were brought against Rajab in September 2017 in relation to social media posts made in January 2017, when he was already in detention and without internet access.

The human rights defender was transferred to Jau Prison on 25 October 2017, having been hospitalised the previous six months, since April, after a serious deterioration of his health resulting from the authorities’ denial of adequate medical care and unhygienic conditions of detention.

Rajab was subjected to humiliating treatment on arrival at the prison, when guards immediately searched him in a degrading manner and shaved his hair by force. Prison authorities have singled him out by confiscating his books, toiletries and clothes, and raiding his cell at night. Rajab is isolated from other prisoners convicted for speech-related crimes and is instead detained in a three-by-three meter cell with five inmates. Prison officers have threatened him with punishment if he speaks with other inmates, and he is not allowed out of his cell for more than one hour a day.

One of Rajab’s outstanding charges is that he spoke out about the degrading treatment in Jau Prison.The evidence he and BCHR gathered proving torture in the prison was exposed in a joint-NGO report, Inside Jau, in 2015. Human Rights Watch also reported on the same incidents of torture.

The upholding of the sentence means Rajab will be imprisoned at least until December 2018, by which time he will have spent 30 months in prison. This itself reflects the unfair court procedures: Rajab was first arrested in June 2016 and charged with spreading fake news in media interviews. However, the prosecution did not begin investigating his charges until six months into his detention, in December 2016.

International Positions

The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office has avoided expressing concern over Nabeel Rajab’s sentencing in its answers to four parliamentary questions since July. In their latest statement, they stated: “We continue to closely monitor the case of Nabeel Rajab and have frequently raised it with the Bahraini Government at the highest levels.”

25 British MPs have condemned the sentence.

Following Rajab’s sentencing on 10 July, the United States, European Union and Norway all called for Rajab’s release. Germany deplored his sentence. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights’ office called for his unconditional release.

In September 2017, the UN condemned the increasing number of Bahraini human rights defenders facing reprisals, naming nine affected individuals, Rajab among them. The UN Committee Against Torture has called for Rajab’s release.

Yesterday, fifteen international and local NGOs wrote to states including the UK, US, EU, Norway, Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland and Canada urging them to call for Nabeel Rajab’s immediate and unconditional release. Their voices were joined by protesters in London. In Washington D.C., a petition signed by 15,000 people calling for Rajab’s release was delivered to the Bahrain embassy.

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