Spain: Journalist among those arrested in anti-austerity protests

Journalist Gorka Ramos was among the four demonstrators arrested for public disorder last Friday when armed riot police clashed with anti-austerity demonstrators in Madrid. A video of Ramos, who works for Spanish news site La Información, shows him being addressed by the police while he was tweeting the events, he was subsequently beaten. La Información reports that 13 protesters were treated for injuries and that Ramos is being held in a Madrid jail, unable to speak to his family or employer. According to the police, Ramos was arrested for insulting and spitting on them.

Spain sues Google over Street View

The Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD) has filed a lawsuit against Google. Following an investigation launched in May, the Street View service has been charged with violating the country’s data protection laws. In August, a judge decided to investigate a similar complaint made by another association (APEDANICA). AEPD says that, if found guilty, Google could be hit with fines of between 84,000 and 840,000 dollars for each offence. Street View has proved controversial in a number of countries, including Germany, Switzerland and the UK.