Turkey: Hrant Dink murder investigation reopened

The investigation into alleged police involvement in the assassination of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink is to be reopenedDink was the editor of Agos, a bilingual newspaper which challenged the official Turkish version of the 1915 Armenian genocide, which holds that hundreds of thousands of Armenians perished because of hunger and suffering in World War One.  He was murdered in 2007 by Ogün Samast. During the trial, concerns were raised over photos which showed Samast posing with Istanbul police officers.  In October 2008, the officers were acquitted. At the time the court claimed that it could no “solid and convincing evidence” to convict them.  The Provincial Administration Board has now decided that the investigation can take into consideration evidence relating to four police officers, former Police Chief İbrahim Pala, Chief Inspectors Volkan Altınbulak and İbrahim Şevki Eldivan and police officers Bahadır Tekin and Özcan Özkan, although four other officers involved in the case will not be investigated.