Peru: Journalist claims there is a plot to kill him

On 25 March, Alfredo Zamora Nolly, a journalist from Radio LEGT and host of the programme Poder Popular, was warned by a phone call that someone was hiring assasins to kill him, in the province of Padre Abad, Ucayali region. Zamora Nolly received a call from the Pucallpa prison warning him about the threat. Zamora had recently denounced irregularities in the execution of a special project on the control of coca farming in the Ucayali region. “They won’t shut me up. I am going to continue this type of objective and impartial reporting. This is the theme of my programme. They aren’t going to intimidate me”, Zamora Nolly said.

Peru: Charges dismissed against Radio La Voz

Olga Bobadilla Terán, head of the Utcubamba Provincial Attorney General’s First Office, dropped a case against the La Voz de Bagua radio, on 16 February.

Radio La Voz was accused by Oswaldo Arroyo, a public prosecutor with the Justice Ministry, of “incitement to violence”, relating to incidents that took place on 5 June 2009 in the city of Bagua Grande, in Utcubamba province. The judge has found that the station and its staff only did their work reporting on the events and they are not responsible for the crimes they had been accused.

The Peruvian government’s cancelled the broadcast license of Radio La Voz on 8 June 2009. Carlos Flores Rojas, director of the radio, said the ruling reaffirmed that the actions against the station initiated by government personnel were abusive and arbitrary. He called on the government to now take the necessary steps to allow for the reopening of the station.

Peru: TV journalist charged with inciting violence

The judge of the Alto Amazonas First Mixed Tribunal has initiated criminal proceedings against Acate Geovanni, director of Radio Oriente and Channel 8 TV, alleging that his coverage of a protest by indigenous people in May incited his audience to violence and public disorder.

The incident took place in Yurimaguas in northeastern Peru during protests by indigenous communities against legislative decrees over the use of land and natural resources in the Amazonian jungle. Over 30 people were killed during the protests.

According the judge, Acate used his media outlets for political ends to cause public disorder. His lawyer believes that the case represents an attempt to criminalize the editorial stance taken by Acate. (El Comercio)

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Peru: journalists jailed

Criminalisation of speech in Peru
Magaly Medina and Ney Guerrero Orellano, reporter and the producer of gossip show Magaly Te Ve, were sentenced to prison terms and penalties by a criminal court in Peru on 16 October.