Singapore: magazine ordered to pay damages to prime minister

The Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER), which is due to close next month, was ordered to pay Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew a total of S$405,000 (US$290,000) in damages and costs for defamation. The journal’s publisher, Review and editor Hugo Restell agreed to pay the damages in a consent order entered into the in the High Court on 13 November. The case never went to trial, as the High Court handled the case through summary judgement, as was requested by the Lees.

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Singapore: magazine guilty of defaming leaders

The Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER) and it’s editor Hugo Restall have been found guilty of defaming Singapore’s prime minister, Lee Hsein Loong, and his father Lee Kuan Yew.

The summary judgement was made without the case going to trial, in compliance with the wishes of the Lees.

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Singapore: Solicitor General vs. Lee Kuan Yew

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