Azerbaijan: Musicians tortured

Two Azerbaijani musicians who insulted the country’s president during a concert in Baku are said to have been tortured by police while in detention. Jamal Ali of the band Bulustan criticised President Ilham Aliyev and his late mother during a concert at an opposition rally on Saturday. After an argument with concert organisers, he was dragged away by police with bandmate Natiq Kamilov and a third man. A court charged all three with hooliganism and sentenced them to 10 days’ detention. During the hearing the two musicians said they had been beaten by police and were refused contact with their families or lawyers.

Azerbaijan: Musicians arrested and beatings reported at youth rally in Baku

Two musicians and the leader of a youth organisation were detained by police during a sanctioned rally in Azerbaijan. On Saturday, Camal Ali, the front-man of popular band Bulustan, used profane language to criticise Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev during a performance at the youth rally in Baku. Organisers were angered by his profanities, and he and fellow band member Natiq Kamilov were detained by police, along with Etibar Salmanli, the head of the Nida youth organization. The three protesters were badly beaten by police before being detained.

Azerbaijan: Four journalists arrested over Quba riots

Three senior employees of a TV station in Azerbaijan were arrested on 13 March. Vugar Gonagov, executive director; Zaur Guliyev, editor, and Zaur Mustafayev, head of public relations at Khayal TV were arrested along with Jamil Mammadli, a reporter from Polygon news agency. The journalists were arrested following accusations they were implicated in riots in Quba in early March. The four men are being held, reportedly without charge, in Baku. The riots took place on 1 March, demonstrators gathered to demand the resignation of local government head, after a video appeared on YouTube showing him making derogatory remarks about residents.