Azerbaijan’s Facebook dissident

Elnur Majidli a Strasbourg-based blogger and internet activist has been threatened with a 12 year jail sentence for ‘inciting hatred’. Index on Censorship’s Mike Harris interviewed Elnur at the Council of Europe as part of Index and the International Partnership Group for Azerbaijan’s lobbying efforts


Azerbaijan: Swedish TV crew arrested then deported

Azerbaijani officials detained three Swedish TV journalists while they were preparing to cover an opposition demonstration in Baku on 17 April. The journalists were subsequently deported on 18 April. An official at the Interior Ministry commented that the three were deported as they lacked the proper accreditation. However, one of the journalists, My Rohwedder Street, contends that she and her colleagues had not concealed their profession when they applied for visas.


More than 200 protesters beaten and detained in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijani police arrested more than 200 opposition protesters during Saturday’s demonstrations in Baku. They were calling for the resignation of President Ilham Aliyev and had broken through police cordons into Fountains Square. According to the Azeri Interior Ministry, five will face criminal charges for property damage and resisting police. Seventy people have been punished for attending the anti-government demonstration.

Azerbaijani reporter kidnapped and beaten

Eminent opposition journalist Seymur Haziyev was abducted and beaten on Saturday night (26 March). He was attacked by six masked men and tortured for two hours. The contents of his laptop were scrutinised and his two telephones were taken from him. He claims that he was told to be “as intelligent and quiet as the others”. Mehman Aliyev, the head of news agency Turan, has remarked that: “When a society wakes up, the first in the firing line are the journalists”.