Philippines: 21 killed in pre-election violence

Twenty-one politicians and journalists who were abducted in the southern Philippines have been found dead. A convoy of about 40 people was hijacked by 100 gunmen at a police checkpoint in Maguindanao province, on the island of Mindanao. The group was seized by armed men as they tried to file nomination papers for a candidate in local elections next year. The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines said at least 12 reporters were feared dead. Read more here

Philippines: editors receive death threats

Stella Estremera, editor-in-chief and Virginia Agtay, news editor of the Sun Star Davao have both received death threats in the Philippines. The threats which came in the form of text messages warned that “a single bullet would be enough for you two” unless they ceased their “biased” reporting in favour of the city government. Read more here

Philippines: Radio commentator shot dead

Filipino radio journalist Godofredo Linao was shot near the offices of Radyo Natin by two unidentified men. The men fired four shots at Linao as he was about to board his motorcycle, killing him on the spot. The motive for the attack is unclear. Linao also worked as a political spokesman and may have been targeted for his political broadcasts. Linao is the fourth journalist to die in the Philippines in the past two months. Read more here