UAE to monitor internet use

The United Arab Emirates authorities is to monito internet users in public places such as malls and cyber cafes according to a report from the newspaper Emarat al-Youm on Wednesday. People without newly-mandated national ID cards will not be allowed to use the internet in public places. The authorities justified the rule saying it was introduced to combat cyber-crime and child pornography.

UAE blocks Sunday Times

The United Arab Emirates blocked distribution of the Sunday Times newspaper over the weekend due to its “insulting” coverage of the Dubai debt crisis. The National Media Council blocked the distribution of newspaper due to upset caused by  an image which depicted ruler Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum sinking under a sea of debt. An official from the council told AFP: “We cannot accept a personal insult.” Read more here

Index Index

What is the Index Index? The Index Index is a pilot project that uses innovative machine learning techniques to map the free expression landscape across the globe to gain a clearer country-by-country view of the state of free expression across academic, digital and...