Art and the Law: Counter Terrorism


Child Protection: PDF | web

Counter Terrorism: PDF | web

Obscene Publications: PDF | web

Public Order: PDF | web

Race and Religion: PDF | web

Art and the Law home page

Case studies

Behud – Beyond Belief
Can We Talk About This?
Exhibit B
“The law is no less conceptual than fine art”
The Siege
Spiritual America 2014


Julia Farrington: Pre-emptive censorship by the police is a clear infringement of civil liberties
Julia Farrington: The arts, the law and freedom of speech
Ceciel Brouwer: Between art and exploitation
Tamsin Allen: Charging for police protection of the arts
Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti: On Behzti
Daniel McClean: Testing artistic freedom of expression in UK courts

Reports and related information

WN-Ethics14-140What Next? Meeting Ethical and Reputational Challenges

Read the full report here or download in PDFTaking the offensive: Defending artistic freedom of expression in the UK (Also available as PDF)

Beyond Belief190x210Beyond belief: theatre, freedom of expression and public order – a case study

UN report on the right to artistic expression and creation
Behzti case study by Ben Payne
freeDimensional Resources for artists
Artlaw Legal resource for visual artists
NCAC Best practices for managing controversy
artsfreedom News and information about artistic freedom of expression

These information packs have been produced by Vivarta in partnership with Index on Censorship and Bindmans LLP.

The packs have been made possible by generous pro-bono support from lawyers at Bindmans LLP, Clifford Chance, Doughty Street Chambers, Matrix Chambers and Brick Court.

Supported using public funding by Arts Council England


Freedom of expression is essential to the arts. But the laws and practices that protect and nurture free expression are often poorly understood both by practitioners and by those enforcing the law. The law itself is often contradictory, and even the rights that underpin the laws are fraught with qualifications that can potentially undermine artistic free expression.

As indicated in these packs, and illustrated by the online case studies – available at – there is scope to develop greater understanding of the ways in which artists and arts organisations can navigate the complexity of the law, and when and how to work with the police. We aim to put into context the constraints implicit in the European Convention on Human Rights and so address unnecessary censorship and self-censorship.

Censorship of the arts in the UK results from a wide range of competing interests – public safety and public order, religious sensibilities and corporate interests. All too often these constraints are imposed without clear guidance or legal basis.

These law packs are the result of an earlier study by Index, Taking the Offensive, which showed how selfcensorship manifests itself in arts organisations and institutions. The causes of self-censorship ranged from the fear of causing offence, losing financial support, hostile public reaction or media storm, police intervention, prejudice, managing diversity and the impact of risk aversion. Many participants in our study said that a lack of knowledge around legal limits contributed to self-censorship.

These packs are intended to tackle that lack of knowledge. We intend them as “living” documents, to be enhanced and developed in partnership with
arts groups so that artistic freedom is nurtured and nourished.

Jodie Ginsberg, chief executive, Index on Censorship

Forward by Xenofon Kavvadias

We are only as free as the law allows us to be.

In post-World War II Western societies, the welfare state, prosperity, stability, social equality and liberty were the main pillars of a liberal democracy. They were proposed to the population in opposition to totalitarian regimes. With the demise of the totalitarian threat, these pillars are fast eroding, giving way to a new world of austerity, severe inequality, dismantling of the welfare state, of war on terror, surveillance, and market fundamentalism.

Against this backdrop, counter-terrorism legislation creates an all-encompassing criminalisation. This implicates a huge number of possible offenders from across many ideologies that it would be impossible and unacceptable to bring to justice. It allows for the arbitrary implementation of the law, focusing on the current foe, while maximising generalised control and stifling dissent.

For me, the sorry state of civil liberties in general and the counter-terrorism legislation in particular, acts as an absolute incentive to adopt the unique role of the artist as an informal, independent and privileged agent of social change and moderator of state power. In this role, my quest for an understanding of freedom blurs my identity as an artist and I become journalist, activist, law-researcher, historian, politician. Freedom becomes both the subject and the goal of the work.

Artists are no more innocent or impartial than the rest of the population in the struggle between freedom and control. Working on issues of freedom
of expression for me means trying to identify the precise point where speech becomes criminalised. If I prepare thoroughly, stay open and honest and take just the right amount of risk, I believe the work will shine light on the state of civil liberties and I will avoid legal problems. I don’t want to be prosecuted, but I do want to know exactly what I have to do to avoid being prosecuted. I don’t try and claim any sort of artistic license. I believe in what I am doing and I am prepared and able to defend it.

Xenofon Kavvadias is a fine artist working in London

Freedom of expression

Freedom of expression is a UK common law right, and a right enshrined and protected in UK law by the Human Rights Act*, which incorporates the
European Convention on Human Rights into UK law.

*(At the time of writing (June 2015), the government is considering abolishing the Human Rights Act and introducing a British Bill of Rights. Free expression rights remain protected by UK common law, but it is unclear to what extent more recent developments in the law based on Article 10 would still apply.)

The most important of the Convention’s protections in this context is Article 10.


1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent states from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.

2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial
integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.

It is worth noting that freedom of expression, as outlined in Article 10, is a qualified right, meaning the right must be balanced against other rights.

Where an artistic work presents ideas that are controversial or shocking, the courts have made it clear that freedom of expression protections still apply.

As Sir Stephen Sedley, a former Court of Appeal judge, explained: “Free speech includes not only the inoffensive but the irritating, the contentious, the eccentric, the heretical, the unwelcome and the provocative provided it does not tend to provoke violence. Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having.” (Redmond-Bate v Director of Public Prosecutions, 1999).

Thus to a certain extent, artists and galleries can rely on their right to freedom of expression under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights: the right to receive and impart opinions, information and ideas, including those which shock, disturb and offend.

As is seen above, freedom of expression is not an absolute right and can be limited by other rights and considerations. While the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and police have a positive obligation to promote the right to freedom of expression, they also have a duty to protect other rights: to private and family life, the right to protection of health and morals and the protection of reputation.

They also have the a duty to protect the rights of the child, meaning the right to freedom of expression may be subject to legal restrictions necessary to protect the rights of children. Artists and galleries who make or display works using children that could be considered obscene or indecent, should consider the ways in which the works advance the public interest and prepare well, so as to be in a position to defend their work and show that the rights of the children involved have been considered.

The following sections of the pack look at one element of the law that may be used to curtail free expression: counter-terror legislation.

Counter-terrorism offences explained

Counter-terrorism is a complex and controversial area of the law, not least because the offences are often very widely drafted. The relevant legal
definition of terrorism, contained within the Terrorism Act 2000 (and further extended in 2006), is very broad and potentially covers a very wide range of acts beyond those that are widely understood to be “terrorist” in nature. Artists, and the staff and directors of arts organisations, commit a criminal offence if publications in any medium, including images, which are likely to directly or indirectly encourage terrorism, are shown or displayed. The dissemination of any publication containing such a statement or image is also an offence.

The UK laws applicable to arts organisations and artists include:

• The Terrorism Act 2000 (TA 2000) (as amended by Section 34 of the Terrorism Act 2006), which provides a definition of terrorism

• The Terrorism Act 2006 (TA 2006) which creates the offence of publishing (or causing to be published) a statement directly or indirectly encouraging or otherwise inducing terrorism or disseminating a publication containing such a statement. For the purpose of these offences, indirect encouragement includes the glorification of terrorism now or in the past.

• Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE)

Not only are the definitions of terrorism broad and wide-ranging, but terrorism offences are themselves often vague and unclear. This complexity and lack of clarity can lead to the subjective and inconsistent application of the law, which in turn can have a chilling effect on freedom of expression. In most instances involving the professional arts sector, a successful prosecution is unlikely, particularly because a prosecution cannot be brought without the consent of the director of public prosecutions (DPP). To date, no artist has been convicted under counter-terrorism legislation.

Under Section 1 of the Terrorism Act 2006, it is a criminal offence to either publish a statement or disseminate a publication that is “likely to be
understood by some or all of the members of the public to whom it is published as a direct or indirect encouragement or other inducement to them to the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism”.

In general terms, the “statement offence” catches those who are responsible for publishing prohibited statements, whereas the “dissemination offence” catches those who further disseminate such material. Both offences are punishable by up to seven years imprisonment.

The work in question may be seized (for more information, see below: The powers of the police and prosecuting authorities), and the directors and senior and decision-making staff of the arts organisation and the artist may risk arrest and/or prosecution.

“Statement” covers a communication of any description, including a communication without words, consisting of sounds or images, or both. Similarly, a “publication” can be in any form, and may include visual images without any accompanying text.

The act makes it clear that indirect encouragement includes “glorification”, which is defined “as including any form of praise or celebration” of acts of terrorism, provided the members of the public could reasonably be expected to infer that “what is being glorified is being glorified as conduct that should be emulated by them”. This applies both to glorification now or glorification of what has happened the past. It is not relevant whether any person was in fact encouraged or induced by the statement to commit a terrorist act and it is not necessary that this was even a likely consequence of the “publication”.


Statements, documents or artworks in support of proscribed organisations can attract investigation and charges. The secretary of state may make an order (adding or removing) a group from the “proscribed” list in Schedule 2 to the Terrorism Act 2000. Such orders require the approval of both Houses of Parliament. A group can only be proscribed if the secretary of state believes it is “concerned in terrorism” pursuant to the definition of terrorism provided by the act. A group is concerned in terrorism if it commits or participates in acts of terrorism, prepares for terrorism, promotes or encourages terrorism, or is otherwise concerned in terrorism.

Similarly, it is not necessary to intend to encourage or otherwise induce members of the public. Recklessness is sufficient. However, where the
offence is committed recklessly, it is a defence to show that the statement or publication in question did not express the defendant’s views and did not have his/her endorsement, and this was clear in all the circumstances of the case, including the way in which the statement was presented.

The motivation of the artist or arts organisation is relevant in relation to the available defences. Providing the offence has been committed recklessly (rather than with an intention to encourage terrorism), it is a defence to show that the statement or publication in question did not express the artist’s or arts organisation’s views and did not have his/her/their endorsement, and this was clear in all the circumstances.

If you are to defend successfully your position and exhibit works that are controversial but do not fall foul of the provisions of the Terrorism Act 2006, you need to recognise this potential problem in advance. Take clear steps to contextualise the works and be ready to demonstrate why they should not be treated as encouraging or glorifying terrorism.

The offences contained within Sections 58 and 58A of the Terrorism Act 2000 are similar, and in practice are unlikely to cause any problems for arts organisations or artists because the type of information captured by these offences is narrowly defined. In order for Section 58 to apply, the information in question must be of practical assistance to a terrorist, or potential terrorist.

Some examples of the type of material covered by Section 58 include information on how to build explosives, or information on military operations, or guidance on how to avoid surveillance and detection.

Although some people have been concerned that Section 58A may be used to stop people taking photographs of buildings or people, the legislation does not prevent artists or photographers taking pictures of public spaces, or of police officers in the course of normal policing, such as at protests or demonstrations. In order to arrest someone under Section 58A for photographing a police officer, there must be a reasonable suspicion that the image is likely to be useful to a terrorist. For example, information about the person’s house, car, routes to work and other movements may be useful to terrorists.

Importantly, it is a statutory defence for a person to prove that they had a reasonable excuse for eliciting, publishing or communicating the relevant information in respect of Section 58A or for collecting or recording the information in respect of Section 58. Legitimate journalistic or artistic activity is likely to constitute such an excuse.

If an artist or arts organisation is prosecuted for any of the offences in the Terrorism Act 2006 and/or the Terrorism Act 2000, the consequences could be very serious for him or her personally and for freedom of expression more widely. For all these reasons, it is advisable to prepare well
and ensure you have thought about any potential challenges early on.

The powers of the police and prosecuting authorities

The police have the right to enter and search galleries, museums and theatres and to seize artworks in certain defined circumstances.

Under Section 8 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, a magistrate may issue a warrant to search premises if a serious arrestable offence has been committed. Under Section 19 of the same act, police may seize anything that is on the premises if he/she has reasonable grounds for believing that it has been obtained in consequence of, or is evidence of an offence.

The police must be on the premises lawfully, on public property – as most galleries, museums and theatres are – either with a warrant or having been
invited in. Under Section 28 of the Terrorism Act 2006 a judge may issue a warrant authorising the police to enter and search premises and seize
any articles that are likely to be covered by the dissemination offence.

Police can seize an art work and recommend it be removed without having established a watertight case. All that needs to be established is reasonable grounds for believing the relevant crime has been committed. In some cases the advice or presence of the police may put pressure on the museum or gallery or theatre to remove an artwork voluntarily. However, an arts organisation is not obliged to remove an art work because the police have merely advised it to do so (rather than seizing the work). The police may be taking an overly conservative approach and their interpretation of the law may be wrong. The arts organisation should therefore seek independent legal advice before permanently removing artworks, and inform the police that they are doing so.

Prosecutions under the Terrorism Act require the consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions. In all cases the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
will adopt a three stage approach before deciding whether or not to prosecute. First, they will consider whether or not an offence has been committed. Secondly they will consider whether there is a realistic prospect of conviction. If there is enough evidence, the Crown Prosecution Service will proceed to the third stage and consider whether it is in the public interest to prosecute taking into consideration the competing rights of the artist or arts organisations and the protection of national security.

Practical guidance for artists and arts organisations

If you are exhibiting any specific photographs, images or installations, or presenting other artistic works including plays or performances that may be likely to be understood as encouraging or glorifying terrorism you should take the following steps. You can show the police your record of your decision-making process. If you have good relations with the local police, it can be helpful to discuss issues arising in relation to specific work in advance.

The issues to consider include:

•„„ Making your motivation and reasons for making or displaying the work clear, why you consider the work to have artistic merit, and the steps
you have taken to mitigate any potential risk of it being misunderstood by the public or certain groups – see Appendix I for sample text
“Documenting a decision”.

•„„ Providing the context for the work, what the artist is seeking to achieve, their previous work, the role of controversy in their work etc. If the artist does not have a substantial body of work, put the work and the artist in a wider context.

•„„ Considering the public interest in this work and how it contributes to a wider debate in society.

•„„ Considering how the work is likely to be perceived by the public as a useful way to contextualising the work.

•„„ Being aware that the right to freedom of expression includes the right to express ideas and opinions that shock, offend and disturb. You might draft a free speech statement for your organisation.


To exhibit a work of art is not to endorse the work or the vision, ideas, and opinions of the artist. It is to uphold the right of all to experience diverse visions and views. If, when controversies arise from the exhibition of a work of art, we welcome public discussion and debate with the belief that such discussion is integral to the experience of the art. Consistent with our fundamental commitment to freedom of speech, however, we will not censor exhibitions in response to political or ideological pressure. National Coalition Against Censorship guidelines

•„„ If the art work includes opinions of others that may be construed to glorify violence (for example), be sure to make it clear that the
opinions of others included in the work do not represent the artist’s or producing organisation’s
views and does not have their endorsement.

•„„ Taking into account the factors to be balanced against the right to freedom of expression as discussed above.

•„„ Demonstrating an awareness of similar work that has been successfully presented and keeping abreast of reactions to similar works.

You may decide to inform the police of your plans to present work, but do not seek “permission” to exhibit, which they cannot grant anyway. If you think the work may be borderline or cross over the line, it is best to take legal advice on the level of risk.

Advance preparation should bear in mind the principal legal standard of “reasonableness”. The factors relevant to demonstrably meeting that
standard may include:

•„„ The artistic purposes of an organisation or an individual, both to invoke Article 10 and to refute suggestions of other motivations.

•„„ Engagement with the authorities. Making early contact could make it easier for them to protect your right to freedom of expression.

•„„ Engagement with the press and individual complaints. (See work done by National Coalition Against Censorship on Best Practice
for Museums

•„„ An openness to managing the risk of disorder, at least in principle, and subject to the imperative of ensuring that the artistic work is not unduly constrained.

Challenging a decision to investigate, seize work or prosecute will require specific legal advice and so is beyond the scope of this guidance. But in summary you may be able to:

•„„ Argue that a police investigation, or a decision to seize works is a disproportionate interference with the right to freedom of expression and, if appropriate, institute judicial review proceedings so that a court can determine the lawfulness of the decision or decision-making process.

•„„ Argue that a decision to prosecute is a disproportionate interference with the right to freedom of expression, and/or a breach of the Prosecutors Code or otherwise unlawful and, if appropriate, issue judicial review proceedings.

•„„ Argue that the decision to prosecute or charge is not in the wider public interest, or that the work is not in fact likely to be understood as encouraging or glorifying terrorism.

Questions and answers

Q. What is the difference between Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Article 19 of the UN Declaration on Human Rights?

A. Freedom of expression, as outlined in Article 10, is a qualified right, meaning considerations regarding its protection must be balanced against other rights and interests. Article 19 of the UN Declaration on Human Rights, which also addresses freedom of expression, is less qualified:
“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive
and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”. Nevertheless, even within the UN Declaration there are provisions which contemplate some qualification of the freedom expressed in Article 19. It is the European Convention on Human Rights which is currently relevant to UK law.

Q. Can I challenge a decision by a local authority or police body?

A. Yes. The usual way of doing so would be via judicial review. You should seek specialist legal advice before bringing your claim. Be aware that you must bring your claim as soon as possible and in any event no later than three months after the decision you wish to challenge. Judicial review is not ordinarily an effective means of overturning decisions quickly. Claims often take many months to be heard. However, it is possible to apply for a claim to be heard quickly if there are good grounds to do so. Even if you succeed you will not usually recover damages: they are awarded at the court’s discretion. The court might quash the decision under challenge, and/or require the public authority to adopt a different procedure in its decision-making.

Q. Can the police seize an art work, as opposed to “advise the removal” of an art work, only when they have a warrant from a judge?

A. Police officers who are lawfully on any premises may seize anything they have reasonable grounds for believing is evidence in relation to any offence, which means an art work may potentially be seized in circumstances where the police have not obtained a warrant. However, in practice, they are more likely to obtain a warrant in advance.

Q. Does the level of “state of alert” have any impact on the likelihood of police intervention?

A. In practice it is probably unlikely to make a discernable difference. Police intervention is more likely to be driven by complaints from members of the public or press viewing the work.

Q. Can a person or group commit an offence if they are making a statement that has been construed as incitement but doesn’t intend to encourage terrorism?

A. Yes, the offence can be committed recklessly, which is to say that the person making the statement did not intend to encourage terrorism by the statement but has nevertheless been construed as doing so.

Q. What is the situation regarding taking photographs of anything that might be useful to someone committing or preparing an act of terrorism, if the photographer can demonstrate that his/her motivation is purely artistic?

A. Legitimate artistic activity is likely to be a complete defence.

Q. What is the impact on artistic freedoms more generally of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, which allows a minister, whenever there is the threat of terrorism, to make emergency regulations that could temporarily override almost all other legislation?

A. Although the Civil Contingencies Act is wide reaching, the Human Rights Act 1998 cannot be amended by emergency regulations under this Act. Therefore, freedom of expression rights cannot be eroded by this legislation, even in times of emergency. This may change if the Human Rights Act is abolished.

Q. Does the new legislation contained in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 make any difference to the situation for artists and arts venues?

A. No, the provisions of that act do not have any specific relevance to artists or arts venues except where they are a specified authority contained in Schedule 6 of the act, which includes many educational establishments.

Q. Does the information in this pack extend to educational contexts as well as arts organisations, e.g. arts and humanities departments in Higher Education?

A. Yes, although they would also be under an additional obligation to prevent people being drawn into terrorism pursuant to the Counter-Terrorism and Securities Act 2015.

Q. What are the implications for artists and arts organisations of the broad definition of “terrorism”?

A. The fact that the definition of terrorism is broad and vague means a lot of things can potentially be brought under the umbrella of “terrorism”. Plainly, this has the potential to allow counter-terrorism controls to expand into broader areas of public life and there is certainly concern that there has been an increase in the use of anti-terror laws to stifle legitimate political and social protest. David Anderson QC, the UK’s Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation (see Appendix III), has also criticised the broad definition of terrorism and pointed out that there has been a degree of “mission creep” over the years. However, in most instances involving the professional arts sector, a successful prosecution is unlikely, particularly because a prosecution cannot be brought without the consent of the director of public prosecutions (DPP). To date, no artist has been convicted under counter-terrorism legislation.

Q. What are the guarantees that organisations will not be unfairly deemed “proscribed”?

A. The Terrorism Act 2000 provides an appeal procedure for proscribed organisations or individuals affected by a proscription.

Q. Is there a contradiction between the defence of motivation in the case of recklessness and advice to contextualise/prepare in advance? If you recognise the problem in advance can you claim that “the offence has been committed recklessly”?

A. It is perfectly possible to recognise the problem in advance, take steps to avoid the problem and still end up committing the offence recklessly.
You could have been of the view (erroneously) that the steps you took in advance had removed that risk.

Q. Do I have to give the script of a play or images I intend to exhibit to the police or local authority prior to the show opening if requested?

A. You only have to provide a copy of a script (or any document or property) if the police or local authority has a legal power to view and seize
that material. Accordingly, if a local authority or the police ask to see particular artistic material you should ask them to clarify whether they are demanding that you hand over the material, or whether they are simply asking for your voluntary co-operation. If they are demanding that you
provide the material, ask them to identify the legal power that gives them the right to do this. You should make a contemporaneous note of their answers. If the police are simply seeking your voluntary co-operation then you do not have to give them anything. If in doubt about the scope of
their powers, consult a lawyer.

Q. The law says that if there is a statement that may be perceived by a member of the public as glorification then you may be liable for prosecution. How can an artist safeguard their expression from such an accusation?

A. Such a situation is an example of the offence under the Terrorism Act 2006 being committed recklessly. It would be a defence to show that the statement or publication in question did not express the defendant’s views and did not have his/her endorsement, and this was clear. So artists should take steps to make sure that they can demonstrate this in all the circumstances of the case, including the manner in which the statement has been presented.

Q. If the police consider that the law has been broken, is it the case that all staff in the organisation risk arrest or only curatorial and senior management?

A. It depends on their level of involvement, however in most circumstances it is likely that only those members of staff who played a decision-making role are likely to face prosecution.

Q. When a cultural work or process or action is quoting or appropriating material that could be considered inflammatory, for example as parody, to what extent is it protected by the Terrorism Act 2000 and the Terrorism Act 2006? (A corollary in copyright law would be “Fair Use”)

A. Again this would an example of recklessly committing the Terrorism Act 2006 offence, and it would be a defence to show the view expressed was not the view of the artist, which in the situation described would, in all likelihood, be quite straightforward.

Q. There have been instances where police have acted pre-emptively in the name of counterterrorism, i.e. before complaints have been made or before terrorist provocation has been evidenced. How can cultural organisations and individuals respond to pre-emptive force, or find protection from it?

A. Issues may be resolved by good communication with the relevant police force. If you have good relations with the local police, it may be helpful to discuss issues arising in relation to specific work in advance. However, the police can seize work on the grounds of reasonable suspicions even before a terrorism offence has been proved. Organisations can further protect themselves by making sure they understand the constraints of the offences created by counter-terrorism legislation and have taken steps to, as far as possible, contextualise the work to avoid misinterpretation and falling foul of the legislation.

Q. Would a UK arts organisation be subject to the Terrorism Act 2000 or the Terrorism Act 2006 if they presented a work by a non-UK artist previously presented in a non-UK context?

A. Yes – if they publish something they are potentially responsible, regardless of the nationality of the artist or the fact that it may have been exhibited elsewhere previously. In some cases, the fact that the work has been shown successfully elsewhere can be used to advantage in defence, but this is not always the case and should not be relied on.

Q. Do all prosecutions under counter-terrorism legislation have to have the consent of the director of public prosecutions? If not who else can give consent? Would the attorney general’s consent be needed if an artistic work is involved?

A. The relevant offences under the Terrorism Act 2000 and the Terrorism Act 2006 require the consent of the director of public prosecutions before a prosecution can be commenced. Where it appears to the director of public prosecutions that the offence has been committed for a purpose wholly or partly connected with the affairs of a foreign country, the director of public prosecutions shall not give consent without the prior permission of the attorney general.

Appendix I: Documenting and explaining a decision

Please note: Appendices are examples only and not a substitute for legal advice.

Example: An artist wants to make a body of work exploring graffiti propaganda from an anti-Western perspective. She is collecting imagery from around the world and planning to display them in the UK. In order to begin discussions with a gallery she documents the reasons for the work.

Reasons for the decision
1. My interest is to explore anti-Western graffiti as a propaganda tool and contextualise it within the UK’s war on terror and counter-terrorism

2. The work uses visual imagery to contribute to our understanding of propaganda in general and perceptions of the West.

3. The work is part of a body of work that I have undertaken based on images of propaganda used in historical ideological conflicts.

4. The work deliberately sets out to stimulate legitimate debate about representation and identity in this case.

5. It responds to a debate of public interest, the intersection between religion and politics and how this is shaping society’s attitudes towards
resistance, dissent, propaganda.

6. There is public interest in participating in a critical debate about the interface between religion, politics and identity.

7. There is a public interest in freedom of artistic expression itself and I consider that this is work of value which should be seen to further the
important public debate.

8. My previous work has been exhibited/I have sold numerous copies of previous works, which have been positively reviewed.

9. The work forms part of a broader project/exhibition designed to educate or stimulate discussion on an important issue.

Appendix II: Sample letter for approaching the police

Dear xx Police Force,

For the attention of xx Counter Terrorism Team

We are xx, a local gallery who specialises in presenting contemporary political artwork.

We are writing to inform you that we are programming an exhibition from xx to xx by an established/emerging artist.

The exhibition will show an important body of work that includes imagery of xx.

We consider the exhibition xx to be a valuable contribution to the public debate concerning xx.

We consider it to have genuine artistic merit and that the artist is serious and committed and the work carefully and accurately researched.

In the light of recent media accusing work that seeks to engage with this highly sensitive area of contemporary life in the UK as glorifying terrorism, we have asked a lawyer to look at the work. S/he confirms our view that the work is not in breach of counter-terrorist legislation.

When the show opens to the public we will make it clear through signage that the work on display does not express the views of the artist or the gallery, that we do not endorse the violence portrayed.

We have scheduled a public debate on xx which will allow people of different views in this area to express their views.

Yours sincerely,

Appendix III: Commentaries on UK terrorism legislation

1. Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, 2005

On October 2005 the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism “drew the government’s attention to related issues concerning the draft Terrorism Bill 2005, (TA 2006) indicating that, although many elements of the draft bill appeared to comply with article 15 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as the proposed provisions were sufficiently precise and the criminalisation of certain acts was legitimate, other proposed offences might not be. In particular, clauses 1 encouragement of terrorism), 2 (glorification of terrorism) and 3 (dissemination of terrorist publications) might be of concern because of their broad nature. According to the draft bill, these offences would require neither that the person expressing utterances or disseminating a publication had any subjective intent of inciting others to commit terrorist acts, nor that the person’s conduct resulted in an objective danger that one or more such offences would be committed. Instead, a broad test of how other persons could reasonably be expected to understand the utterances or publications would determine whether certain conduct was punishable. It appeared that the provisions might affect the legitimate exercise of the freedom of expression, such as fiction or non-fiction writings about real or imagined acts of terrorism (clause 2) or maps, glossaries, technical handbooks, or timetables of public transport (clause 3).”

2. Report of the Eminent Jurists Panel on terrorism, counter-terrorism and human rights, 2009

In 2009 the International Commission of Jurists presented a report from its Eminent Jurists Panel on changes to the legal landscape internationally in the wake of the September 2001 attacks. It concluded: “Many participants at the UK hearing raised concerns that the breadth and the ambiguity of the offence of “glorification” create a risk of arbitrary and discriminatory application. The risk of such abuse is exacerbated by the fact that the offence applies also to past acts of terrorism and to terrorist acts occurring in other countries. Witnesses expressed concern that such wide-ranging laws reduce legitimate political debate, particularly within immigrant or minority communities.”

3. Report of the independent reviewer on the operation of the Terrorism Act 2000 and part 1 of the Terrorism Act 2006 by David Anderson QC

Highlights from the report:

4. Definition of terrorism

4.1. Though the United Nations required all States in the days after 9/11 to “take the necessary steps to prevent the commission of terrorist acts”, there remains no agreed international concept of terrorism. In those circumstances the UK’s definition, based on a recommendation by Lord Lloyd who was in turn inspired by an FBI working document, has strongly influenced the formulations of others, particularly in the Commonwealth but also at the level of the European Union.

4.2. There are three cumulative elements to the UK’s current definition:

(a) The actions (or threats of actions) that constitute terrorism, which encompass serious violence against a person; serious damage to property; and actions which endanger life, create a serious risk to health or safety, or are designed seriously to interfere with or seriously to disrupt an
electronic system;

(b) The target to which those acts must be directed: they must be designed to influence a government or international organisation, or to intimidate the public or a section or the public; and

(c) The motive that must be present: advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause.

The second of those elements (the target requirement) is a less effective filter than it might appear: “the government” means the government of any country in the world; and the target requirement need not be made out at all when the use or threat of action involves the use of firearms or explosives.

4.3. The TA 2000 [Terrorism Act] definition is an easy target for criticism. In particular:

(a) It is longer and more complex than its predecessor.

(b) Its international reach renders it remarkably broad – absurdly so in some cases. Particularly striking is its indiscriminate criminalisation of
those attacking “countries which are governed by tyrants and dictators– including, subject possibly UN sanctioned use of force against military targets.

(c) The effect of that breadth is to grant unusually wide discretions to all those concerned with the application of the counter-terrorism law, from Ministers exercising their power to impose executive orders to police officers deciding whom to arrest or to stop at a port and prosecutors deciding whom to charge.

(d) Those discretions become wider still when conduct ancillary in only the broadest sense to terrorism is criminalised, and when dubious expansionary phrases such as “terrorism-related” and “terrorist or extremist” are allowed on to the statute book or into the statistics. Those criticisms are only partly blunted by my own observation that the wide discretions appear for the most part to be responsibly exercised, and by the
general perception, endorsed by Lord Carlile in his essential report on the subject, that the UK definition is “useful and broadly fit for purpose”.

4.4. More fundamentally, it has been questioned:

(a) Whether a single definition of terrorism is even appropriate for all the various purposes to which it is currently applied; and whether the definition might be more soundly based on a “scheduled offence approach” akin to that used in some other European countries and in Council of Europe Conventions. These ideas draw force from the view (which I unhesitatingly share) that terrorism is first and foremost crime; and that if special legal rules are to be devised in relation to it, they should be limited in their application, and justified on the basis of operational necessity.

4.7. The current definition of terrorism contains no express exemption for acts carried out overseas that constitute lawful hostilities under international humanitarian law. One result (subject to the possible intervention of the Supreme Court) has been to criminalise Mohammed Gul for posting videos on YouTube showing attacks on coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Other consequences are the indiscriminate characterisation as “terrorism” of nationalist and separatist acts of violence, even in the context of a civil war, and notionally at least, the potential application of the Terrorism Acts even to UK forces engaged in conflicts.”


This information pack was produced by Vivarta in partnership with Index on Censorship and Bindmans LLP.

The packs have been made possible by generous pro-bono support from lawyers at Bindmans LLP, Clifford Chance, Doughty Street, Matrix Chambers and Brick Court.

The packs have been designed and printed by Clifford Chance, Greg Thompson, Design Specialist, Document Production Unit

Art & the Law -Child Protection -A Guide to the Legal Framework Impacting on Artistic Freedom of Expression is published by Vivarta. This publication is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England. It is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY 2.0, excepting where copyright is assigned elsewhere and marked accordingly.

ISBN: 978-0-9933345-4-2

Supported using public funding by Arts Council England

Vivarta is a digital media news lab and advocate for free expression rights. As we help defend free expression through investigative reporting and creative advocacy. As we apply new digital media, security and situational analysis tools to support this work. The Free Word Centre, 60 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3GA

Five areas of law covered in this series of information packs

Child Protection
Counter Terrorism
Obscene Publications (available autumn 2015)
Public Order
Race and Religion (available autumn 2015)

They can all be downloaded from

Editors’ note

As with the other documents in this series, this booklet is intended as an introduction to the legal framework that underpins the qualified right of freedom of expression enjoyed by artists and arts organisations in the UK. We hope that it will be of some assistance to artists, artistic directors, curators, venue management and trustees and others who seek to protect and promote artistic freedom of expression, especially when planning to programme challenging and controversial works.

This pack is not a substitute for legal advice.

If you are unsure about your responsibilities under the law at any time, you must obtain independent specialist legal advice. Some of the lawyers at work in the sector at time of publication are listed on the website.

Legal Adviser: Eloise Le Santo, Matrix Chambers

Editorial team:
Julia Farrington – Associate arts producer, Index on Censorship/Vivarta
Jodie Ginsberg – Chief executive, Index on Censorship
Rohan Jayasekera – Vivarta

Spiritual America 2014

Installation image of Spiritual America 2014 at Goldsmiths College. With Permission Xenofon Kavvadias

Installation image of Spiritual America 2014 at Goldsmiths College. With Permission Xenofon Kavvadias

Spiritual America 2014
Xenofon Kavvadias

As part of Index on Censorship’s programme looking into art, law and offence in the UK, this case study looks at Xenofon Kavvadias’s mission to exhibit Spiritual America by Richard Prince in public, effectively reversing the censorship of the image by Tate Modern who removed it from the gallery and the catalogue of their exhibition Pop Life, Art in a Material World 2009-10. Kavvadias called his exhibit Spiritual America 2014 and it formed part of his MA degree show at Goldsmiths College.

The work illustrates many of the issues raised in Index’s Art and the Law pack on Child Protection, giving useful insights into what happens when a work is contested in this area of legislation, the negotiations with the police and how far the law is open to interpretation.

Spiritual America by Richard Prince was exhibited as part of The Tate Modern exhibition Pop Life Art: in a Material World, October 1 2009–January 17 2010. The piece is a reproduction of an original 1976 photograph depicting Brooke Shields, aged 10, naked in a bath. The Tate took the work down apparently on the advice by the Obscene Publications Unit of the Metropolitan Police Service that the image might be in breach of the Child Protection Act 1978. Under pressure from the police, the image of the work was also redacted from the catalogue of the show.

A 14 October 2009 BBC report carried a statement from the gallery that said: “In consultation with the artist, Richard Prince, Tate has replaced Spiritual America 1983 with a later version of the work made by him in collaboration with Brooke Shields, Spiritual America IV 2005. Tate is in ongoing discussions with legal advisors about the catalogue.”

Charlotte Higgins and Vikram Dodd writing in The Guardian on 30 September 2009 reported:

The decision by officers to visit Tate Modern is understood to have been made after police chiefs saw coverage of the exhibition in today’s newspapers, rather than as a result of complaints.

Officers met gallery bosses and are also understood to have consulted the Crown Prosecution Service as to whether the image broke obscenity laws.
A Scotland Yard source said the actions of its officers were ‘common sense’ and were taken to pre-empt any breach of the law. The source said the image of Shields was of potential concern because it was of a 10-year-old, and could be viewed as sexually provocative.”

The Tate chose not to include the original picture in Pop Life: Art In A Material World, after seeking legal advice.

Research leading to the presentation of Spiritual America 2014

Kavvadias undertook to display Richard Prince’s Spiritual America in his MA show at Goldsmiths, which he called Spiritual America 2014. As well as displaying a framed replica of the artwork, a record of all his research was available to the viewer to place the image in context. Gaining as full an understanding as possible of the legal and policing positions regarding the removal of the image from the Tate in 2009 was his point of departure.

Freedom of Information Requests

Kavvadias issued FoI requests to the Tate, the Police and the CPS. All FoI correspondence was included in the exhibition.

Key findings:

1 October 2009: The police wrote an email to the Tate regarding their visit:


2 October 2009: The police continued to put pressure on the Tate about their plans for the catalogue, writing a follow up email to the one above the next day.

6 October 2009: The Head of Director’s Office, Tate wrote to the trustees:

[Formalities]…we felt that given the important issues at stake (acting within the law while defending artistic freedom of expression) and the level of public interest in the case that we should keep each of you as individual trustees informed.

At the request of the owner and as provided for under our loan agreement with him, we have returned the work to him. In light of this, we have also consulted with the artist and are considering the option of substituting the work with another worked titled Spiritual America IV.

The Tate Enterprises Ltd board will meet…to discuss their position and options with regard to the distribution of the catalogue. Legal advice has been sought to inform their decision from leading counsel and specialist solicitors. …In the meantime the catalogue will continue to be withdrawn”

The Metropolitan Police Obscene Publications Unit wrote regarding their position as requested by the Tate:


  • 12 October 2009: The catalogue was removed from sale while the Tate was taking legal advice.
  • 13 October 2009: Metropolitan Police Service Directorate of Public Affairs Central Operations Press Desk, writing to head of communications at the Tate: “I’d just like to raise how categorical you interpret the police advice as having been. We did not state that we definitely considered the image to be indecent but explained that it may be, and that if it was then an offence would be committed if it was displayed. Police can never say when someone will be prosecuted, as that is a decision for the CPS, but did inform yourselves we would consult with the CPS. This is the MPS position as we have been and will continue to, explain to reporters.”
  • 13 October 2009: The plan to obscure the image was in place.
  • 13 October 2009: Tate asked Richard Prince for approval to obscure the image on the catalogue.
  • 16 October 2009: In an email written to the police in support of including the image in the catalogue, Nicholas Serota compiled a list of freely available books featuring “Spiritual America”. Serota, who was Deputy Director of the Tate at the time, wrote: “As outlined already, we presented the work in the exhibition and catalogue because of its art historical significance in the study of 20th century art, as well as its intrinsic artistic merit”.
  • 28 October 2009: The decision was made for the director of the Tate to write to the director of Public Prosecutions seeking clarification on the legal position concerning the work, and guidance on whether a prosecution would follow should the catalogues be distributed again. There is no written reply to this request. However, in 2013, Index spoke to the former DPP, Sir Keir Starmer who had been in post at the time of the controversy, and he said that he received many letters from arts organisations with similar requests but he cannot give advice as to whether a prosecution would follow. This is the work of the courts. However he felt there was a strong case for drawing up guidelines on how CPS reached a decision when considering whether or not to prosecute where artwork is involved.
  • The legal advice was redacted from the FoI though the explanation of the offences and possible sentencing was made available. See below:


Additional Research

Availability of the image
Kavvadias carried out his own research into the availability of the image in books mentioned in Serota’s list, one of which was written by a professor at Goldsmiths. He researched the libraries of four leading art colleges in London and the British Library, where he easily located the books. He sent an FoI request to the British Library for their position regarding the advice Metropolitan Police gave to Tate. The British Library replied after two months, with a full and considered response robustly defending the books.

Ethics approval from Goldsmiths
The fact that one of the books containing the image was written by a Goldsmiths’ professor reinforced the view held by all of the committee that the Richard Prince picture is an accepted artwork. However, given that this defence failed to convince the legal team working with the Tate, it was not enough itself. They wanted reassurance on three additional concerns:

  • the possibility of harm, including damage to reputation of the minor in the original
  • that displaying the image might be in breach of copyright
  • that the image was not presented in a sensational way that could bring the college into disrepute; they retained the right to withdraw until Kavvadias’ work was in situ in his exhibition

Issue of harm

Kavvadias addressed the issue of harm by presenting the history of the image:

  • The original image, by Gary Gross, was commissioned by the Playboy publication Sugar ‘n’ Spice in 1976. Consent was given by Brooke Shield’s mother. She was paid $450 for the rights to the image.
  • In 1983 Brooke Shields sought an injunction from the New York State Court of Appeals to bar further publishing of the image. Her motion was denied. According to the court’s ruling, “It should be noted that plaintiff did not contend that the photographs were obscene or pornographic. Her only complaint was that she was embarrassed because ‘they [the photographs] are not me now.'” While the judges found that the photographs were not pornographic, the court left in place an earlier decision that barred the sale of the photo to pornographic magazines.(Shields v. Gross, 58N.Y.2d338,448 N.E.2d108,461 N.Y.S.2d 254,9 Media l Rep. 1466 (N.Y.1983).
  • Richard Prince purchased the rights to the image after the court ruling.
  • Prince displayed the framed image with the title Spiritual America in 1983 in a New York gallery he rented, amid considerable controversy. Prince later created an edition of 10 prints.
  • The image has subsequently been displayed in galleries around the world:
    • Valencia, IVAM Centre del Carme, Spiritual America, 1989 (another example exhibited).
      Cologne, Museum Ludwig, Ars Pro Domo, May-August 1992, p. 238 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
    • Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Dirty Data, June-August 1992, p. 75 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
    • New York, Whitney Museum of American Art; Dusseldorf, Kunstverein; San Francisco, Museum of Modern Art; and Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Richard Prince, May 1992-November 1993, p. 86 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
    • Munich, Kunstverein and Hamburg, Kunsthaus, Someone Else with my Fingerprints, April-July 1998, p. 75 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
    • New York, Museum of Modern Art, Fame After Photograph, July-October 1999 (another example exhibited).
    • New York, Whitney Museum of American Art, The American Century-Art & Culture 1950-2000, September 1999-February 2000, p. 285, no. 466 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
    • Minneapolis, Walker Art Center; Paris, Centre Pompidou; Mexican City, Museo Rufino Tamayo and Miami Art Museum, Let’s Entertain, February 2000-November 2001, p. 254 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
    • Basel, Museum für Gegenwartskunst and Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, December 2001-July 2002, Richard Prince: Photographs, p. 115 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
    • New York, New Museum of Contemporary Art, East Village USA, December 2004-March 2005, pl. 113, p. 75 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
    • New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum; Minneapolis, Walker Art Center and London, Serpentine Gallery, Richard Prince: Spiritual America, September 2007-Summer 2008, p. 46 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
    • New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Pictures Generation 1974-1984, April-August 2009, pl. 231 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
    • London, Tate Modern; Hamburger Kunsthalle and Ottawa, The National Gallery of Canada, Pop Life: Art in a Material World, October 2009-September 2010, pp. 123 and 196.
    • Source: Christies
  • In 2005, Brooke Shields, 40, posed for Richard Prince, in a bikini, taken in a similar pose to the original.
  • Spiritual America was auctioned for $3,973,000, Sale 3495, at If I Live I’ll See You Tuesday: Contemporary Art Auction 12 May 2014 New York, Rockefeller Plaza

Richard Prince on Spiritual America

“In 1987, after I joined up with Barbara Gladstone, I editioned it. Ten copies and two APs [artist’s proofs]. I had my lab print it on ektacolor paper at 20 x 24”. The first one I sold, was to Stephan, my plumber friend and drummer for the Glenn Branca band. I sold it to him for a hundred dollars and some plumbing work. A couple of years later, I heard he sold that copy to Jay Gorney for four grand. Ten years after that Myer Viceman sold the original 8 x 10” back to Barbara Gladstone for two hundred thousand dollars. Then the 8 x 10” sold to Per Skarsted and later he made a special room for it, (all alone… painted the walls red) and showed it at Art Basel and sold it to Michael Ringier for one million dollars. A couple of years ago Michael lent it to the Tate Modern for some POP show organized by Alison Gingeras and Jack Bankowsky and it was ‘confiscated’ by the London police. The Tate didn’t do much protesting… they caved in to the ‘authorities’ and let them cart it away. It was never re-hung at the Tate and it was eventually returned to Michael Ringier. (Last I heard, Michael lives with Spiritual America in his home outside of Zurich).” Source: ASX

Copyright Infringement

As for possible copyright infringement, because Kavvadias was making a replica of the entire work, including placing it in a frame similar to the one used by Richard Prince, he had to demonstrate clearly to the university that he had the relevant permissions. Given that Richard Prince based his career on copying images and putting them into a new context, Kavvadias did not anticipate a problem. Kavvadias was using the image under Fair Use in US Copyright law for non-commercial and/or academic purpose. However, in order to reassure Goldsmiths, he took two steps:

He tweeted Richard Prince that he had been accused of copying his work. Richard Prince retweeted his message.

Kavvadias wrote to Prince’s London gallery informing them that he was attempting to legitimise the artist’s work that had been criminalised in the UK. They wished him luck.

Legal Advice — Second Opinion

Kavvadias interviewed lawyer Mark Stephens of Finers Stephens Innocent on 4 February 2013, regarding the legal advice given to the Tate to redact the image. Stephens made it clear he didn’t think there was any possibility that the CPS would have recommended a prosecution. Taking the CPS three stage test of whether to prosecute: the first, which asks is there sufficient evidence, is covered, because the image is the evidence. But he claimed it would have failed the other two:

  • “that there has to be better than 50% chance of a successful prosecution: ‘Although I could see several charges that could be laid, [they] would be very difficult to succeed.'”
  • “that it has to be in the public interest. Stephens stated that, in his opinion, it was not in the public interest to ‘bring the prosecution against Britain’s foremost cultural institution when the image has been around since the seventies, the culture across the planet have shown it and exhibited it without complaint. Even if you prosecute successfully this particular institution, which was displaying just one copy of this image, this was not going to eradicate the image, this was not going to eradicate any harm. If there was any harm, that occurred when this image went viral, effectively when it went on the internet…'”

The Police

Kavvadias wrote to the police informing them that he intended to display this work as part of his Masters thesis at Goldsmiths and gave them the dates. He didn’t ask them for advice or permission. He kept the email trail as evidence of his transparency. They didn’t respond.

“The law is no less conceptual than fine art”

Installation image from Xenofon Kavvadias: The law is no less conceptual than fine art at 10 Vyner Street. With permission of the artist.

Installation image from Xenofon Kavvadias: The law is no less conceptual than fine art at 10 Vyner Street. With permission of the artist.

“The law is no less conceptual than fine art”
Exhibition of Illegal Books by Xenofon Kavvadias
10 Vyner Street London E8
5th May – 17th June 2011

Description of the work

In this show books that are or can be considered illegal under contemporary UK anti-terrorist legislation were displayed as an art installation. The books represented the full spectrum of ideologies and beliefs that can be considered illegal in the UK.

The books were uniformly hard-bound without titles, accompanied by text describing the content and context in which it was published. Background information, correspondence and records of interviews were displayed in the gallery.

The gallery was well lit and the viewer was encouraged to take time to read the books and accompanying information. Each week of the six-week exhibition, one book that could not exist outside the specific conditions that were created in the gallery was burned and the ashes were displayed in specially made glass vases. By the end of the exhibition, all such books were burned.

In the installation Kavvadias explicitly stated that the documents neither expressed his views nor had his endorsement.


Kavvadias started the project in 2005 believing that the new anti-terrorist legislation was highly problematic and represented an erosion of civil liberties – a hypothesis that he wanted to test as an artist, from the standpoint of an individual, independent investigator who has unique access through exhibition to the public, the media, the law and the policy maker.

I am not a lawyer, in fact when I started out I wasn’t sure what I was. The choices seemed to be: journalist, activist, artist. I chose the latter.”

The legislation

As the Report of the Eminent Jurists’ Panel on Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights 2009 noted:

Many participants at the U.K. hearing raised concerns that the breadth and the ambiguity, of the offence of ‘glorification’ create a risk of arbitrary and discriminatory application. The risk of such abuse is exacerbated by the fact that the offence applies also to past acts of terrorism and to terrorist acts occurring in other countries. Witnesses expressed concern that such wide-ranging laws reduce legitimate political debate, particularly within immigrant or minority communities.”

Aware of the grey areas the legislation created, Kavvadias’ show was an attempt to plot the margins of legality with regard to counter terrorism legislation – what can be seen, said or thought.

The methodology

Kavvadias identified the steps he needed to take to be able to demonstrate, in court if necessary, that his motivation was as an artist. The artwork was both his presentation of texts and objects in a carefully curated space, and the evidence for his defence.

Here is a brief summary of his interactions with the police, lawyers and a member of the House of Lords, who helped him to answer the underlying questions his project raised.

The Police

Having first secured support for this project from Leeds Metropolitan University where he was studying at the time, Kavvadias approached the police and had an hour-long interview with the Counter Terrorism Special Branch in Leeds. He made a record of the interview during which he went through a list of the materials he thought he could not present. He asked the police to respond to these materials during the interview. He was asking for advice, not permission.

The police tried to advise Kavvadias on what — in their view, following available guidance — he could and couldn’t collect and discussed examples of material that had been used by the police to secure convictions.

The police always had a feeling of a line – ‘if you cross the line it will be illegal and we will have to arrest you’. This is a preventative measure from the police – they want to present a line, they don’t want to give you the grey area, so that you stay safely within the legal side. Even if later the court might say – ‘no there is no case’. The police have an interpretation of the law and this understanding is later modified by a court.”

The State Machinery

Kavvadias wrote to the Press & Broadcasting Advisory Committee (DPBAC) at the Ministry of Defence (MoD) asking if he could display restricted MoD documents that he found on Wikileaks. He received the following reply:

“I have no objections from Defense Advisory Notice standpoint to your displaying the first and second pages of the subject document as part of your project.”

With this letter to support him, Kavvadias displayed the first and second page of a document, leaked by Wikileaks, that gives an idea of the level of surveillance capabilities of the UK.

The Lawyers

The first legal opinion Kavvadias sought was from Liberty and he got a very detailed letter back, explaining how the legislation can be applied, where he needed to be extremely careful and how he should position himself. “It was very illuminating and very useful and it was one point of view,” Kavvadias said.

Kavvadias then approached Gareth Pearce, a British solicitor and human rights activist, who connected him with Alastair Lyon one of her team, and subsequently talked to Matrix Chambers’ Matthew Ryder QC in detail about his project. All the lawyers he approached supported the project and thought it was an important piece of work. While they disagreed about what was the greatest specific risk, the lawyers agreed that extreme care should be taken on how the whole show would be staged.

All agreed that at the entrance of the gallery there should be a very clear public disclaimer that the artist and gallery do not advocate violence and to distance themselves from the content. It should be made absolutely clear that the exhibits were to be seen and discussed, but not recorded — no photography, no note taking — to minimise dissemination. No part of the installation should be available on the internet.

The biggest challenge was the contradictory advice – ultimately you have to make up your mind – Liberty, MR, Lord Carlile – all liked the project. No-one took an absolute position so it was my decision. I felt I had the information – the facts were in front of me and I had to make up my mind to stick with it.”

The Law Lord

Encouraged by the support from the lawyers, Kavvadias went on to one of the highest authorities in the land – Lord Carlile of Beriew, Independent reviewer of terrorism legislation UK 2011– a Law Lord. He wrote to Carlile and received the following reply:

Thank you for your letter of February 25th.

I was interested by your MA project and am sure that there is a visual art context into which counter-terrorism legislation can be put.

Artists sometimes take risks with the Law to achieve full expression, however the Law will not be suspended for such projects. When people take a close interest in terrorism websites, or sites containing material that might prove of interest to terrorists, the authorities would be negligent if they did not take an interest in such activities, if aware of them. I am sure that you are exactly as you describe, an artist acting in good faith, but the police and others will not necessarily take that at face value and understandably so.

The authorities are under no obligation to advise whether proposals made by a citizen will lead to prosecution, and there is case law to say they need not do so. Indeed the giving of such advice would be a departure from normal practice by both the police and the Crown Prosecution Service. In the event of prosecution being considered the CPS would certainly take into account Zafar1 in assessing whether there was enough evidence or whether or prosecution was in the public interest.

The best and short answer to your question is that you are unlikely to be prosecuted and if prosecuted, not convicted, if you do not break sections 57 or 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000. The responsibility for what you do is yours: I am sure you are conscious of this, and in following your studies, document what you do and why by notes.

I am sure that your course supervisors will advise you on boundaries with the advantage of knowing your work. Central St Martins is an excellent and celebrated art school and the staff there possess well-honed judgement about the boundaries between conceptual art and politics and the Law.

I am sorry that I cannot answer your question more directly, but I am afraid that the Law is no less conceptual than fine art.

Best wishes
Yours sincerely
Signed –
Alex Carlile.

1. R v Zafar & others [2007] Imran Khan and Partners represented Aitzaz Zafar when in 2007 he, together with Irfan Raja, Awaab Iqbal, Usman Malik and Akbar Butt were jailed for between two and three years each by the Old Bailey for downloading and sharing extremist terrorism-related material, in what was one of the first cases of its kind. The prosecution alleged that they had collected extremist material for the purposes of terrorism. The men argued that they had no real terrorism links and were driven by intellectual curiosity. Four of the men were students at the University of Bradford. Following their convictions, the men appealed and on the 13/02/2008 the Court of Appeal overturned their convictions. In their ruling, the three Appeal Court judges said the trial jury should have been told to decide whether there was a connection between the extremist literature and a clear terrorist plan.

Having managed to engage a high level politician and lawyer, Kavvadias felt that it would be extremely hard for the police to characterise him as someone who was acting recklessly.

The Gallery

10 Vyner Street gallery owner Peter Gallagher-Witham was interested in freedom of speech and felt it was worth investing in and thought it was a good work of art. He also felt that it was controversial and would attract attention. Despite the gallery owner’s belief in the work, he had a lot of reservations; he was worried that the police would come to the gallery and he would be accused of dissemination of terrorism.

He really wanted some sort of reassurance, but there is not an absolute reassurance. There are steps that can minimize risk. I never expected a public gallery to take this work because of the nature of the work being too contentious.

This was the last exhibition in 10 Vyner Street, which closed at the end of Kavvadias’s show.

The Reaction

Like most artists, Kavvadias wanted publicity for his work, but in this case, it was not just the exposure for the work that he was looking for. The press was interested because Lord Carlile, a senior law lord, had responded to an artist; this was newsworthy. The Guardian wrote an article which took the project into the public domain, opening it to scrutiny by an infinitely wider group, including the police. During the exhibition, Sir Allan George Moses, a former Court of Appeal judge, visited the gallery and left a positive comment. The police did not openly visit the gallery.

There were no legal repercussions for Kavvadias as a result of the exhibition.

Case study: Spiritual America 2014

Installation image of Spiritual America 2014 at Goldsmiths College. With Permission Xenofon Kavvadias

Installation image of Spiritual America 2014 at Goldsmiths College. With Permission Xenofon Kavvadias

By Julia Farrington
July 2015

Spiritual America 2014
Xenofon Kavvadias

As part of Index on Censorship’s programme looking into art, law and offence in the UK, this case study looks at Xenofon Kavvadias’s mission to exhibit Spiritual America by Richard Prince in public, effectively reversing the censorship of the image by Tate Modern who removed it from the gallery and the catalogue of their exhibition Pop Life, Art in a Material World 2009-10. Kavvadias called his exhibit Spiritual America 2014 and it formed part of his MA degree show at Goldsmiths College.

The work illustrates many of the issues raised in Index’s Art and the Law pack on Child Protection, giving useful insights into what happens when a work is contested in this area of legislation, the negotiations with the police and how far the law is open to interpretation.

Spiritual America by Richard Prince was exhibited as part of The Tate Modern exhibition Pop Life Art: in a Material World, October 1 2009–January 17 2010. The piece is a reproduction of an original 1976 photograph depicting Brooke Shields, aged 10, naked in a bath. The Tate took the work down apparently on the advice by the Obscene Publications Unit of the Metropolitan Police Service that the image might be in breach of the Child Protection Act 1978. Under pressure from the police, the image of the work was also redacted from the catalogue of the show.

A 14 October 2009 BBC report carried a statement from the gallery that said: “In consultation with the artist, Richard Prince, Tate has replaced Spiritual America 1983 with a later version of the work made by him in collaboration with Brooke Shields, Spiritual America IV 2005. Tate is in ongoing discussions with legal advisors about the catalogue.”


Child Protection: PDF | web

Counter Terrorism: PDF | web

Obscene Publications: PDF | web

Public Order: PDF | web

Race and Religion: PDF | web

Art and the Law home page

Charlotte Higgins and Vikram Dodd writing in The Guardian on 30 September 2009 reported:

The decision by officers to visit Tate Modern is understood to have been made after police chiefs saw coverage of the exhibition in today’s newspapers, rather than as a result of complaints.

Officers met gallery bosses and are also understood to have consulted the Crown Prosecution Service as to whether the image broke obscenity laws.
A Scotland Yard source said the actions of its officers were ‘common sense’ and were taken to pre-empt any breach of the law. The source said the image of Shields was of potential concern because it was of a 10-year-old, and could be viewed as sexually provocative.”

The Tate chose not to include the original picture in Pop Life: Art In A Material World, after seeking legal advice.

Research leading to the presentation of Spiritual America 2014

Kavvadias undertook to display Richard Prince’s Spiritual America in his MA show at Goldsmiths, which he called Spiritual America 2014. As well as displaying a framed replica of the artwork, a record of all his research was available to the viewer to place the image in context. Gaining as full an understanding as possible of the legal and policing positions regarding the removal of the image from the Tate in 2009 was his point of departure.

Freedom of Information Requests

Kavvadias issued FoI requests to the Tate, the Police and the CPS. All FoI correspondence was included in the exhibition.

Key findings:

1 October 2009: The police wrote an email to the Tate regarding their visit:


2 October 2009: The police continued to put pressure on the Tate about their plans for the catalogue, writing a follow up email to the one above the next day.

6 October 2009: The Head of Director’s Office, Tate wrote to the trustees:

[Formalities]…we felt that given the important issues at stake (acting within the law while defending artistic freedom of expression) and the level of public interest in the case that we should keep each of you as individual trustees informed.

At the request of the owner and as provided for under our loan agreement with him, we have returned the work to him. In light of this, we have also consulted with the artist and are considering the option of substituting the work with another worked titled Spiritual America IV.

The Tate Enterprises Ltd board will meet…to discuss their position and options with regard to the distribution of the catalogue. Legal advice has been sought to inform their decision from leading counsel and specialist solicitors. …In the meantime the catalogue will continue to be withdrawn”

The Metropolitan Police Obscene Publications Unit wrote regarding their position as requested by the Tate:


  • 12 October 2009: The catalogue was removed from sale while the Tate was taking legal advice.
  • 13 October 2009: Metropolitan Police Service Directorate of Public Affairs Central Operations Press Desk, writing to head of communications at the Tate: “I’d just like to raise how categorical you interpret the police advice as having been. We did not state that we definitely considered the image to be indecent but explained that it may be, and that if it was then an offence would be committed if it was displayed. Police can never say when someone will be prosecuted, as that is a decision for the CPS, but did inform yourselves we would consult with the CPS. This is the MPS position as we have been and will continue to, explain to reporters.”
  • 13 October 2009: The plan to obscure the image was in place.
  • 13 October 2009: Tate asked Richard Prince for approval to obscure the image on the catalogue.
  • 16 October 2009: In an email written to the police in support of including the image in the catalogue, Nicholas Serota compiled a list of freely available books featuring “Spiritual America”. Serota, who was Deputy Director of the Tate at the time, wrote: “As outlined already, we presented the work in the exhibition and catalogue because of its art historical significance in the study of 20th century art, as well as its intrinsic artistic merit”.
  • 28 October 2009: The decision was made for the director of the Tate to write to the director of Public Prosecutions seeking clarification on the legal position concerning the work, and guidance on whether a prosecution would follow should the catalogues be distributed again. There is no written reply to this request. However, in 2013, Index spoke to the former DPP, Sir Keir Starmer who had been in post at the time of the controversy, and he said that he received many letters from arts organisations with similar requests but he cannot give advice as to whether a prosecution would follow. This is the work of the courts. However he felt there was a strong case for drawing up guidelines on how CPS reached a decision when considering whether or not to prosecute where artwork is involved.
  • The legal advice was redacted from the FoI though the explanation of the offences and possible sentencing was made available. See below:
  • Additional Research

    Availability of the image
    Kavvadias carried out his own research into the availability of the image in books mentioned in Serota’s list, one of which was written by a professor at Goldsmiths. He researched the libraries of four leading art colleges in London and the British Library, where he easily located the books. He sent an FoI request to the British Library for their position regarding the advice Metropolitan Police gave to Tate. The British Library replied after two months, with a full and considered response robustly defending the books.

    Ethics approval from Goldsmiths
    The fact that one of the books containing the image was written by a Goldsmiths’ professor reinforced the view held by all of the committee that the Richard Prince picture is an accepted artwork. However, given that this defence failed to convince the legal team working with the Tate, it was not enough itself. They wanted reassurance on three additional concerns:

    • the possibility of harm, including damage to reputation of the minor in the original
    • that displaying the image might be in breach of copyright
    • that the image was not presented in a sensational way that could bring the college into disrepute; they retained the right to withdraw until Kavvadias’ work was in situ in his exhibition

    Issue of harm

    Kavvadias addressed the issue of harm by presenting the history of the image:

    • The original image, by Gary Gross, was commissioned by the Playboy publication Sugar ‘n’ Spice in 1976. Consent was given by Brooke Shield’s mother. She was paid $450 for the rights to the image.
    • In 1983 Brooke Shields sought an injunction from the New York State Court of Appeals to bar further publishing of the image. Her motion was denied. According to the court’s ruling, “It should be noted that plaintiff did not contend that the photographs were obscene or pornographic. Her only complaint was that she was embarrassed because ‘they [the photographs] are not me now.'” While the judges found that the photographs were not pornographic, the court left in place an earlier decision that barred the sale of the photo to pornographic magazines.(Shields v. Gross, 58N.Y.2d338,448 N.E.2d108,461 N.Y.S.2d 254,9 Media l Rep. 1466 (N.Y.1983).
    • Richard Prince purchased the rights to the image after the court ruling.
    • Prince displayed the framed image with the title Spiritual America in 1983 in a New York gallery he rented, amid considerable controversy. Prince later created an edition of 10 prints.
    • The image has subsequently been displayed in galleries around the world:
      • Valencia, IVAM Centre del Carme, Spiritual America, 1989 (another example exhibited).
        Cologne, Museum Ludwig, Ars Pro Domo, May-August 1992, p. 238 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
      • Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Dirty Data, June-August 1992, p. 75 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
      • New York, Whitney Museum of American Art; Dusseldorf, Kunstverein; San Francisco, Museum of Modern Art; and Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Richard Prince, May 1992-November 1993, p. 86 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
      • Munich, Kunstverein and Hamburg, Kunsthaus, Someone Else with my Fingerprints, April-July 1998, p. 75 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
      • New York, Museum of Modern Art, Fame After Photograph, July-October 1999 (another example exhibited).
      • New York, Whitney Museum of American Art, The American Century-Art & Culture 1950-2000, September 1999-February 2000, p. 285, no. 466 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
      • Minneapolis, Walker Art Center; Paris, Centre Pompidou; Mexican City, Museo Rufino Tamayo and Miami Art Museum, Let’s Entertain, February 2000-November 2001, p. 254 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
      • Basel, Museum für Gegenwartskunst and Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, December 2001-July 2002, Richard Prince: Photographs, p. 115 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
      • New York, New Museum of Contemporary Art, East Village USA, December 2004-March 2005, pl. 113, p. 75 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
      • New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum; Minneapolis, Walker Art Center and London, Serpentine Gallery, Richard Prince: Spiritual America, September 2007-Summer 2008, p. 46 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
      • New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Pictures Generation 1974-1984, April-August 2009, pl. 231 (illustrated, another example exhibited).
      • London, Tate Modern; Hamburger Kunsthalle and Ottawa, The National Gallery of Canada, Pop Life: Art in a Material World, October 2009-September 2010, pp. 123 and 196.
      • Source: Christies
    • In 2005, Brooke Shields, 40, posed for Richard Prince, in a bikini, taken in a similar pose to the original.
    • Spiritual America was auctioned for $3,973,000, Sale 3495, at If I Live I’ll See You Tuesday: Contemporary Art Auction 12 May 2014 New York, Rockefeller Plaza

    Richard Prince on Spiritual America

    “In 1987, after I joined up with Barbara Gladstone, I editioned it. Ten copies and two APs [artist’s proofs]. I had my lab print it on ektacolor paper at 20 x 24”. The first one I sold, was to Stephan, my plumber friend and drummer for the Glenn Branca band. I sold it to him for a hundred dollars and some plumbing work. A couple of years later, I heard he sold that copy to Jay Gorney for four grand. Ten years after that Myer Viceman sold the original 8 x 10” back to Barbara Gladstone for two hundred thousand dollars. Then the 8 x 10” sold to Per Skarsted and later he made a special room for it, (all alone… painted the walls red) and showed it at Art Basel and sold it to Michael Ringier for one million dollars. A couple of years ago Michael lent it to the Tate Modern for some POP show organized by Alison Gingeras and Jack Bankowsky and it was ‘confiscated’ by the London police. The Tate didn’t do much protesting… they caved in to the ‘authorities’ and let them cart it away. It was never re-hung at the Tate and it was eventually returned to Michael Ringier. (Last I heard, Michael lives with Spiritual America in his home outside of Zurich).” Source: ASX

    Copyright Infringement

    As for possible copyright infringement, because Kavvadias was making a replica of the entire work, including placing it in a frame similar to the one used by Richard Prince, he had to demonstrate clearly to the university that he had the relevant permissions. Given that Richard Prince based his career on copying images and putting them into a new context, Kavvadias did not anticipate a problem. Kavvadias was using the image under Fair Use in US Copyright law for non-commercial and/or academic purpose. However, in order to reassure Goldsmiths, he took two steps:

    He tweeted Richard Prince that he had been accused of copying his work. Richard Prince retweeted his message.

    Kavvadias wrote to Prince’s London gallery informing them that he was attempting to legitimise the artist’s work that had been criminalised in the UK. They wished him luck.

    Legal Advice — Second Opinion

    Kavvadias interviewed lawyer Mark Stephens of Finers Stephens Innocent on 4 February 2013, regarding the legal advice given to the Tate to redact the image. Stephens made it clear he didn’t think there was any possibility that the CPS would have recommended a prosecution. Taking the CPS three stage test of whether to prosecute: the first, which asks is there sufficient evidence, is covered, because the image is the evidence. But he claimed it would have failed the other two:

    • “that there has to be better than 50% chance of a successful prosecution: ‘Although I could see several charges that could be laid, [they] would be very difficult to succeed.'”
    • “that it has to be in the public interest. Stephens stated that, in his opinion, it was not in the public interest to ‘bring the prosecution against Britain’s foremost cultural institution when the image has been around since the seventies, the culture across the planet have shown it and exhibited it without complaint. Even if you prosecute successfully this particular institution, which was displaying just one copy of this image, this was not going to eradicate the image, this was not going to eradicate any harm. If there was any harm, that occurred when this image went viral, effectively when it went on the internet…'”

    The Police

    Kavvadias wrote to the police informing them that he intended to display this work as part of his Masters thesis at Goldsmiths and gave them the dates. He didn’t ask them for advice or permission. He kept the email trail as evidence of his transparency. They didn’t respond.