International Human Rights Day podcast

Index Chief Executive John Kampfner took part in a podcast by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office to mark International Human Rights Day. The programme looked at social media and the promotion of free expression and human rights. It also features
Agnès Callamard of Article 19 and Irina Bogdanova of Free Belarus Now.

Click here to listen

PODCAST: Israeli settler radio—Piracy goes Kosher

With the launch of a West Bank radio station, settlers are winning legitimacy and influence. Padraig Reidy and Israeli journalist Anat Balint discuss radio in the occupied territories

Anant Balint is a former media correspondent for Haeretz

For more on the topic read Anat Balint’s article Piracy goes Kosher, which appears in Radio Redux, the new issue of Index on Censorship, out now

PODCAST: Debating web privacy with Facebook and Google

In an event hosted by Index on Censorship, executives from Google, Facebook and Privacy International debate privacy and free speech on the web. New technology has revolutionised freedom of expression, but it’s also transformed the business of censorship. So what will it take to make the internet safe for free speech? Or is it really time for Facebook hara-kiri?

Chaired by Jo Glanville, Editor, Index on Censorship

The speakers are:
Richard Allan, Director of Policy EU, Facebook
Anthony House, European Policy and Communications Manager, Google
Gus Hosein, Policy Director, Privacy International

Free speech hustings podcast

The nice people at the top skeptic show The Pod Delusion helped out at last night’s Libel Reform Campaign Free Speech Hustings, providing a live audiostream to the world, and now creating a lovely podcast for you to listen to in case you missed last night.

You can hear it here