Free speech hustings – As they happened

Last night the Libel Reform campaign hosted the official “Free Speech Hustings” of the general election 2010 in association with English PEN, Index on Censorship and Sense About Science

Speaking at the event were Dominic Grieve from the Conservatives, Evan Harris from the Liberal Democrats and Labour’s Michael Wills.

PAST EVENT: The Free Speech Hustings, 21 April

Index on Censorship and the Libel Reform Campaign are hosting the official “Free Speech Hustings” of the General Election 2010 and you’re invited. We have a number of free tickets reserved especially for our supporters so you can see Jack Straw from Labour, Dominic Grieve from the Conservatives, and Evan Harris from the Liberal Democratsgo head to head over libel law reform and protecting our freedom of speech.

The Free Speech Hustings will bring together scientists, writers, human rights activists, journalists, bloggers and most importantly… voters – we want you to put the difficult questions to the candidates about free speech and libel reform, counter-terrorism, privacy and religious hatred.

The event is hosted by the Libel Reform Campaign – Sense About Science, English PEN and Index on Censorship

21 April at 6.30pm at the Free Word Centre, 60 Farringdon Road, London, EC1R 3GA – to book email: [email protected] or call 020 7324 2570.

PAST EVENT: How free should free speech be? The Orwell Prize

Sunday 21st March, 12pm, Christ Church Marquee, Oxford

George Orwell was a staunch proponent of freedom of all kinds, especially of speech and of the press. But  with criticisms of the media flourishing, preachers of hate making headlines, the anonymity of the internet, and journalists complaining about libel laws – how free is free speech, and what should the limits be?

Panelists include

  • Catherine Bennett (The Observer, shortlisted for the Orwell Prize for Journalism 2009)
  • John Kampfner (Chief executive director of Index on Censorship, author of Freedom for Sale)
  • Geoffrey Robertson QC (lawyer, broadcaster, author)

Chaired by Albert Scardino Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and former Orwell Prize judge.

Book here