Fighting for free speech

Index on Censorship, along with English PEN, Article 19 and others, have moved to the Free Word Centre in central London. Over at Liberty Central, Ursula Owen explains the thinking behind the project:

Free Word’s mission is to promote the power of the written and spoken word, and to protect creativity and free expression generally. What makes it different from the many literature houses all over Europe is that its core principle is free expression and literacy –– which immediately makes its outlook international and political (not always seen as a palatable word in the arts). The ideas behind it were thrashed out by the eight founder members over five years. They are now resident in the building. Free Word is a venue, an office space, a thinking space, where media meets literature. In its theatre and meeting rooms you will hear familiar and unknown voices, the expected and the unexpected, debate and controversy.

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Jakarta libel case ruling “a win for free speech”

The Jakarta press council have welcomed the Jakarta High Court’s decision to overturn a guilty verdict imposed on a kiosk owner who had been convicted of libel for having written a complaint letter about a property company. Press council member Abdullah Alamudi said that the council was pleased the court had supported freedom of speech. Read more here