Bahrain activist jailed for tearing up picture of king

Bahraini human rights activist Zainab al-Khawaja has been sentenced to two months in prison after she allegedly tore up a picture of the ruler of the Gulf kingdom.

Al-Khawaja is the daughter of Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, the head of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, who has been in prison since April 2011. The BCHR was awarded the Index on Censorship Advocacy Award 2012.

Speaking at an Index event at the British parliament earlier this month, Zainab’s sister Maryam al-Khawaja called on the United Kingdom to end its support for the Bahraini regime.

Bahraini activist acquitted of Twitter charges but remains in prison

Prominent Bahraini human rights activist Nabeel Rajab was today acquitted of insulting the Sunni citizens of the island of Muharraq on Twitter. Rajab was sentenced to three months in prison on 9 July for his remarks on the site. However, the activist remains in jail after being sentenced to three years in prison last week for his involvement in “illegal protests”. Rajab, who is also head of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR), has played in active role in condemning the government’s brutal crackdown on  anti-government protests and activists since the start of unrest during February last year.

Rajab was presented with the Index on Censorship Advocacy Award earlier this year.