Bahrain king and Cameron discussed riot control "assistance"

This press release (below) has just come from the Bahrain Information Affairs Authority. The release outlines UK ambassador to Bahrain’s “praise” for the regime. It also follows what seems to be Bahrain’s public affairs strategy now, which can be summed up as “at least we’re not Iran”.

But this line is especially alarming:

“The Ambassador referred to a meeting between the British Prime Minister and HM the King, where they discussed the possibility for Bahrain to benefit from Britain’s experience in dealing with the street violence seen in Northern Ireland.”

22 02 12 British Ambassador Offers Praise and Cooperation in Bahrain’s Reform Process Warns of Iranian Inte…

Bahrain: Four foreign activists deported

Bahrain announced the deportation of four foreign activists for “taking part in illegal demonstrations” on 18 February, bringing the number of those expelled over the past week to 12. The official BNA news agency reported on Friday that the four — including one American and one Briton — were deported for “lying on immigration forms”, as their “visas were issued for the purposes of tourism but all were participating in illegal demonstrations.”


Bahrain: Hunger strike activist collapses

Bahraini activist Abdulhadi Alkhawaja collapsed last night while on hunger strike. Alkhawaja, who went on hunger strike ahead of the February 14 anniversary of mass protests in Bahrain, was taken to the hospital where he was given IV treatment without his consent. The activist’s lawyer reported Alkhawaja showed serious signs of fatigue and had difficulty moving and walking. His daughter, Zainab, continues to be detained and his younger brother, Salah Alkhawaja, who is also imprisoned has joined the hunger strike.

Bahrain: Human rights activist Nabeel Rajab detained at protests

Prominent human rights activist and president of the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR), Nabeel Rajab, was reportedly detained today while attempting to reach Pearl Roundabout in the capital Manama. Jihan Kazerooni of BCHR told Index that Rajab is currently being held at Hoora police station. Kazerooni said that two other activists, Naji Fateel of the Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights and Hassan Jaber were also detained by authorities.