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In a country marked by increasing authoritarianism, a strident crackdown on press and social media as well as numerous human rights violations, Turkish-British technologist Alp Toker brought together a small team to investigate internet restrictions. Using Raspberry Pi technology they built an open source tool able to reliably monitor and report both internet shut downs and power blackouts in real time. Using their tool, Turkey Blocks have since broken news of 14 mass-censorship incidents during several politically significant events in 2016. The tool has proved so successful that it has been implemented elsewhere globally.
2017 Freedom of Expression Digital Activism Award-winning Turkey Blocks was presented an illustration created by cartoonist Aseem Trivedi
Internet shutdowns – the wholesale censorship of millions of voices and silencing of entire populations – pose a grave threat to the media, democracy, most of all vulnerable communities and ordinary citizens. Since the invention of the world wide web we have come to rely on the internet for personal communication, news gathering, publishing and almost every aspect of our lives. That reliance has introduced a single point of failure which is now being exploited by authorities who seek to control narrative and restrict the flow of information on an unprecedented scale.
In 2015, I was in Ankara when so-called Islamic State launched a deadly terror attack, killing over a hundred people at a rally. In the hours that followed the authorities restricted access to social media and communication networks; victims were unable to contact their loved ones or reach out for help. Journalists were unable to contact eyewitnesses or ask critical questions so essential in a healthy democracy.
Our mission was born: Since then my organisation Turkey Blocks has developed new technology that can pinpoint and validate reports of shutdowns in real time. Through 2016 we uncovered evidence of over a dozen major blackouts during national emergencies, arrests of opposition party members and a devastating attempted military coup. We provided the data that enabled media, local press and international communities to report with confidence and push back to keep the internet on. We encouraged the government to become more transparent and limit use of their telecommunications kill-switch. Today our cause crosses political lines and resounds throughout Turkey’s polarised society.
Online censorship is increasingly used to mask more severe human rights violations – not just in Turkey, but from China, Vietnam, Pakistan, India, Kashmir, to Cameroon and Bahrain and all over the world. My team’s mission now extends beyond Turkey to cover several other countries as part of our NetBlocks observatory project. With new allies like Access Now and Index’s own Mapping Media Freedom project, standing alongside the global Open Source and open technology communities we send a unified message to those who seek to silence independent voices: as long as freedom of expression and digital rights are not safeguarded, our mission will continue and we will persist.
Alp Toker and Isik Mater of Digital Activism Award-winning Turkey Blocks at the 2017 Freedom of Expression Awards (Photo: Elina Kansikas for Index on Censorship)
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For his one-man protests, Ildar Dadin was sent to prison in December 2015 where he was tortured, before his conviction was quashed in February 2017. Read the full profile.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”84888″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]
Despite the persecution he faces for his work, Rebel Pepper continues to satirise the Chinese state from a life in exile in Japan. Read the full profile
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Established in 2015, Turkey Blocks is an independent digital research organisation that monitors internet access restrictions in Turkey. Read the full profile.
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Maldives Independent, the Maldives’ premiere English publication and one of the few remaining independent media outlets, was formed in exile in Sri Lanka in 2004. Read the full profile.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Milyonlarca sesi toptan susturan internet kesintileri, medya ve demokrasinin etkili çalışmasını engelliyor ve en önemlisi, savunmasız toplulukların ve vatandaşların hayatını zorlaştırıyor. İcat edilmesinden bu yana, kişisel iletişim, haber alma, yayınlama gibi pek çok yönden internete bel bağlamış durumdayız. İnternetin yaşantımızda bu kadar büyük bir yer kaplaması, erişimin kısıtlanması durumunda büyük boşluk yaratıyor.
IŞİD’in Ekim 2015’te Ankara Garı yakınlarında düzenlenen miting sırasında gerçekleştirerek yüzlerce kişinin ölümüne sebep olduğu, Türkiye tarihinin en ölümcül terör saldırısı sırasında ben de Ankara’daydım. Saldırının hemen akabinde yetkililer sosyal medyaya ve iletişim ağlarına erişimi kısıtladılar; o sırada mitingde bulunanlar ailelerine ulaşıp “ben iyiyim” diyemediler, yaralı olanlar için yardım isteyemediler. Gazeteciler, her sağlıklı demokraside olması gereken bilgiye ulaşma özgürlüğünden mahrum bırakıldılar. Görgü tanıklarıyla iletişime geçip, olaylarla ilgili ayrıntıları öğrenemedikleri için konuyla ilgili haber yapmakta zorlandılar.
Görevimiz artık belliydi. O günden itibaren Turkey Blocks organizasyonu olarak, internet engellemelerini gerçek zamanlı olarak saptayabilen ve doğrulayabilen yeni bir teknoloji geliştirdik. 2016 yılı süresince, ulusal krizler, muhalefet partisi üyelerinin tutuklanması ve askeri darbe girişimi gibi olaylar sırasında ülke çapında ondan fazla kesintiye dair bulgular elde ettik. Elde ettiğimiz veriler, medya, yerel basın ve uluslararası organizasyonların internet kullanıcılarına doğru ve ayrıntılı bilgi vermelerini ve kullanıcıların internet kesintilerine karşı durabilmelerini sağladı. Hükümeti daha şeffaf olmaya ve internet kesintilerini en aza indirgemesini teşvik ettik. Girişimimiz bugün siyasi sınırları aşarak, ayrım gözetmeksizin tüm Türkiye’ye bilgi sağlıyor.
Dijital sansür, sadece Türkiye’de değil. Çin, Vietnam, Pakistan, Hindistan, Keşmir, Kamerun ve Bahreyn gibi dünyanın birçok ülkesinde meydana gelen ve gittikçe ciddileşen insan hakları ihlallerini gizlemek için giderek daha çok kullanılmakta. Ekibimizin yeni misyonu, NetBlocks gözlemleme projesi dahilinde, Türkiye dışındaki diğer ülkelere de ulaşmak. Access Now ve Index on Censorship’in Mapping Media Freedom Projesi gibi müttefiklerle birlikte küresel Açık Kaynak, Özgür Yazılım ve açık teknoloji topluluklarının yanında yer alarak, bağımsız sesleri susturmak isteyenlere ortak mesajımızı gönderiyoruz: Misyonumuz, ifade özgürlüğü ve dijital haklarımız korunmadığı sürece var olacak ve yolumuza devam edeceğiz.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_basic_grid post_type=”post” max_items=”12″ style=”load-more” items_per_page=”4″ element_width=”6″ grid_id=”vc_gid:1492791622630-bd3f02e6-28e4-6″ taxonomies=”8935″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Norwegian musician Moddi’s new album, Unsongs, is made up of renditions of songs from around the world that had been banned, censored or silenced. Unsongs includes cover versions of songs from countries including China, Russia, Mexico and Vietnam, on topics such as drugs, war and religion.
Index on Censorship caught up with Moddi on Twitter to find out more.
To kick off our Twitter Q&A with @moddimusikk: Where did the idea for your new album, Unsongs, come from? #WithTheBanned
— Index on Censorship (@IndexCensorship) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship It all began with a song about the Israeli officer Eli Geva, who refused to lead his forces into Beirut in 1982.
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship The Norwegian singer Birgitte Grimstad heard the story of the officer, and had a song written about him.
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship She didn’t perform it though – it was considered “too controversial” at the time. And so it wasn’t sung for 32 years.
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship I heard the song 32 yrs after, then the snowball started rolling. There’s so much out there never played! #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
With so many banned or censored songs to choose from, how did you narrow it down to just 12? @moddimusikk #WithTheBanned
— Index on Censorship (@IndexCensorship) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship First of all: 12 songs does not represent the huge amount of censored art out there. They’re just examples. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship I wanted to choose 12 songs that represented 12 different forms of censorship. 12 different perspectives. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship Murder, imprisonment, radio bans, social pressure, self-censorship. Different, but equally important. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship I believe it is a great mistake to consider the brutal forms of suppression more worthy of our attention. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship So basically, I chose 12 songs to show the diversity of the phenomenon. I could have made 12 albums though. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship @moddimusikk It must have been hard to pick only 12 songs, what was your favourite song that didn’t make the final cut?
— Sara French (@FrenchiedMuse) September 29, 2016
@FrenchiedMuse @IndexCensorship Oh, that’s probably something Kurdish, e.g. this masterpiece: #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@FrenchiedMuse Have no idea what the lyrics say though. It’s always a little like Christmas eve. @IndexCensorship #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@FrenchiedMuse Another candidate is from the Iranian revolution but was too difficult to translate @IndexCensorship
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@moddimusikk have you ever heard a song so offensive you’ve thought ‘actually yeah, ok that should definitely be banned’ #withthebanned
— James Green (@JamesGreen6) September 29, 2016
@JamesGreen6 I considered some neo-nazi music for the album, but seriously, those words hurt physically to sing. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@JamesGreen6 Nonetheless not sure if long prison sentences is the right response. But that of course is a long debate.
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
How did Index on Censorship magazine help you find inspiration for the album? @moddimusikk #WithTheBanned
— Index on Censorship (@IndexCensorship) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship Index helped me grasp the diversity of the issue. At first I only looked to Jara, Biermann…the classics. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship Index helped me grasp the diversity of the issue. At first I only looked to Jara, Biermann…the classics. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship Must most important: Orgs such as Index helped me understand that this is really an important topic. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship At first it was a hobby project. In the end it felt like a small part of a big movement. That helped. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
You tried to film the video for your version of @pussyrrriot‘s Punk Prayer in Russia but failed. What happened? @moddimusikk #WithTheBanned
— Index on Censorship (@IndexCensorship) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship Yes, I seriously considered going to Russia to sing in solidarity with @pussyrrriot. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship I settled for the second best: singing it on the Russian border. There’s a beautiful old stone church there. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship Unfortunately the parish did not approve and so the video had to be filmed on the church steps. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship It was minus five and stormy, ubearably cold, but felt good afterwards. @pussyrrriot‘s song it a true gem! #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship Must say I’m disappointed with the Norwegian church though. I genuinely thought this song would be welcome. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship PS: The video turned out really well. @pussyrrriot
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
What was the hardest journey to make when visiting one of the original songwriters? #WithTheBanned
— ΛSHΣR ΛLΣXΛNDΣR (@AsherAlexander) September 29, 2016
@AsherAlexander Vietnam. Very confusing. Officially he was allowed to have visitors but in reality we were unwelcome. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@AsherAlexander Also the language and culture barriers were significant. But the meeting was still incredibly inspiring. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@AsherAlexander And in general: For a white, Norwegian boy, meeting with the genuinely banned has really been an eye-opener. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
#WithTheBanned Besides being a censored song, why did you choose a narcocorrido as part of the album? What caught your attention?
— Verito (@Veritokun) September 29, 2016
@Veritokun @IndexCensorship The double meaning! To me, who know that it is a narcocorrido, the underlying metaphor is obvious.#WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@Veritokun @IndexCensorship But to children and to many others, it may sound almost like a normal farm song. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@Veritokun @IndexCensorship The narcocororrido genre is terrible, but the way it avoided getting banned is – in this context – inspiring.
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@moddimusikk if you had to write a protest song, like Punk Prayer, what regime would you be challenging/ trying to change #WithTheBanned
— Ethan Beer (@EthanDuffmanB) September 29, 2016
@EthanDuffmanB My own, Norway! Protest is always best from inside. #WithTheBanned @IndexCensorship
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@EthanDuffmanB I’m not trying to change other countries, but presenting songs where others have tried. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@EthanDuffmanB Hopefully it can inspire other musicians across the globe to do the same. I know it has changed me, at least. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
How did your experience cancelling a concert in Tel Aviv change your approach to music? @moddimusikk #WithTheBanned
— Index on Censorship (@IndexCensorship) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship It made me realise that everything – even singing a love song – is political. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship In a conflict, remaining silent gives strength to the dominant side. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship And in this context, singing love songs and songs about the sea was equal to remaining silent. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship When I discovered “Eli Geva”, I felt that finally there was a song – a message – which was stronger than its own context.
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship When I write my own songs in the future, that will always be something I’ll aspire towards. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship Like the songwriter Richard Burgess said “I could have written a song that she would have been allowed to perform…
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship …but I don’t think it would have been as good a song.” #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
What were the main things you learned about censorship when making Unsongs? @moddimusikk #WithTheBanned
— Index on Censorship (@IndexCensorship) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship Censorship, in one form or anohter, is everywhere, all times, and it comes in different shapes. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship And it isn’t only states and religious authorities that are behind it. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship Basically, whereever there is power, there is also censorship. Those two seem to be mutually constituitive. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship So in a way, this project of interpreting banned songs is a case study of challenging power through music. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
@IndexCensorship As a young musician, that has probably been the most important lesson: That music CAN still be powerful. #WithTheBanned
— Pål Moddi Knutsen (@moddimusikk) September 29, 2016
To mark the release of Unsongs, Index on Censorship is proud to announce a special series of appearances by currently banned voices from around the world.
Moddi will hand over the stage at three of the biggest gigs on his current European tour to unleash the power of free expression, replacing the support band with the genuinely banned.
In Amsterdam on 1 October, Maryam Al-Khawaja will share her and her family’s story of imprisonment and exile in the struggle for democracy in Bahrain. In London on 3 October, Vanessa Berhe will speak about life in the prison state of Eritrea and her campaign One Day Seyoum fighting to free her journalist uncle Seyoum Tsehaye who has been in jail for 15 years. In Berlin on 6 October, Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently will tell how the Syrian civil war has destroyed the free expression of a generation. Co-founder Abdalaziz Alhamza will share the story of how and why he co-founded it inside IS-controlled territory.
Credit: Kennedy Library
Monday marked the beginning of Banned Books Week. To celebrate the freedom to read, Index on Censorship staff explore some of their favourite, and some of the most important, banned or challenged books.
Ryan McChrystal – Borstal Boy by Brendan Behan
Brendan Behan’s autobiographical work Borstal Boy was banned in Ireland in December 1958. His London publisher, Hutchinson’s, had sent a batch of copies to Dublin to be sold at a Christmas market but they were confiscated at the port. Behan was outraged that a group of “country yobs” could prevent the distribution of his book.
Borstal Boy is the story of how a 16-year-old Behan landed himself in a series of institutions for young offenders in Kent, having been charged with membership of the IRA, and what happened to him after that.
Although Ireland’s Censorship of Publications Board never explained why the book was banned, it probably had something to do with its depictions of adolescents talking about sex and its pillorying of Irish social attitudes, republicanism and the Catholic Church. The board is, after all, known for its stringent adherence to Roman Catholic values.
When Behan later learned that the book was also banned in Australia and New Zealand, he took solace in song and humour as he went around Dublin singing:
“My name is Brendan Behan, I’m the latest of the banned
Although we’re small in numbers we’re the best banned in the land,
We’re read at wakes and weddin’s and in every parish hall,
And under library counters sure you’ll have no trouble at all.”
David Heinemann – From Dictatorship to Democracy by Gene Sharp
Running the Freedom of Expression Awards’ Fellowship and helping brave people who are often fighting totalitarian regimes can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. How can one person or organisation ever hope to defeat an entire dictatorship?
They can’t, of course, but Gene Sharp’s little book reminds me that “the deliberate, non-violent disintegration of dictatorships” is possible when people work together in certain ways. Part handbook, part political pamphlet, it’s an invaluable toolbox for any serious democratic activist. Its potency was illustrated last year when a group of young Angolans were imprisoned simply for trying to get together and discuss it at a book club.
The fact that I could read it on my commute home reminded me never to take my freedoms for granted.
Vicky Baker – The Bible
The Bible is not an obvious choice for me as I’m an atheist, but loosely picking up on that misattributed Voltaire quote, I would defend anyone’s right to read it – or indeed any other religious book.
Pope Francis has called The Bible “an extremely dangerous book”. Owning it or reading it can get you still get you imprisoned or killed in certain parts of the world. This is the sort of book banning that we should all be extremely worried about, whatever your religion.
These days I don’t even have a copy in my house, but its stories formed part of my childhood. When I grew up I learnt that my hometown, Amersham in Buckinghamshire, also had an important connection to censorship of The Bible. In the 16th century a group of local Lollards were burned at the stake for wanting to translate the book from Latin to English; some of their children were forced to light the pyre.
Known as the Amersham Martyrs, they have since been honoured in a memorial stone, costumed walking tours, and through occasional community plays about their lives, staged in a local church. (Imagine if the bishop who sentenced them saw this today.)
Sadly, we live in a world where censorship of the Bible is not ancient history. In 2014, an American man was sent to labour camp in North Korea for leaving a Bible in a restaurant’s bathroom when visiting as a tourist. It was deemed a crazy act – and, indeed, the move also endangered his local tour guides – but it is outrageous that simply leaving a book behind, so readers can choose to pick it up or not, can still lead to such punishments.
David Sewell – The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien
One of those cases in the USA where the pressure to ban comes not from the authorities, but from citizens wanting it pulled from libraries or schools. Complaints were made about its sweary language and its graphic depictions of violence and death. But there again it’s about a grunt’s eye view of the Vietnam war, so go figure.
Only this is really a remarkable work of fiction, which is highly literary in its narrative form. It uses stories to try and construct the extreme experience of war, but also uses war to explore the drive to create stories for ourselves. Language is used to defang terror on the battlefield, stories are invented (and embellished through the re-telling) to keep dead comrades alive, because if they are allowed to die, then it brings death one step closer to the surviving soldiers.
A fascinating book that tries to put words to the unsayable and unspeakable, and its would-be censors are attempting to make it a different kind of unspeakable and unsayable.
Kieran Etoria-King – Riotous Assembly by Tom Sharpe
One of the most enduring, darkly funny things I’ve ever read was the opening chapter of Tom Sharpe’s 1971 novel Riotous Assembly, in which a South African police chief argues with an old white woman who shot her black chef in the garden of her stately home. As two deputies collect up the obliterated corpse of the man she killed with a four-barrelled elephant gun, Miss Hazelstone, who graphically describes her illicit love affair with the chef, demands to be arrested for murder, while a disgusted Kommandant van Heerden insists that the killing of a black person is not murder. Meanwhile, the entire police force of the fictional town of Piemburg, operating under mistaken intelligence, are engaged in a fierce and escalating firefight at the gate, unaware that they are actually shooting at each other from behind cover.
Sharpe had lived in South Africa from 1951 to 1961 before he was deported over a play he staged that criticised the government, so he had an intimate knowledge of the country and Riotous Assembly, a hilarious send-up of the South African police force, is driven as much by real venom and contempt for the Apartheid system as it is by vulgar humour. Of course, that system wasn’t going to tolerate such mockery and the book was banned in South Africa as well as Zimbabwe.
Helen Galliano – The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
I first came across The Master and Margarita – considered to be one of the finest novels to come out of the Soviet Union – as a performance student at Goldsmiths and a lover of magical realism. I immediately fell into Bulgakov’s wild and dangerous world of talking cats, decapitations, magic shows, Satan’s midnight ball and plenty of vodka. I was hooked, reading it multiple times throughout my third year and even created a performance reimagining Margarita’s transformation into a witch.
The forward to the 1997 translation of the novel reads: “Mikhail Bulgakov worked on this luminous book throughout one of the darkest decades of the century. His last revisions were dictated to his wife a few weeks before his death in 1940 at the age of forty-nine. For him, there was never any question of publishing the novel. The mere existence of the manuscript, had it come to the knowledge of Stalin’s police, would almost certainly have led to the permanent disappearance of its author.”
Faced with persecution, Bulgakov burned the first manuscript of The Master and Margarita, only to re-write it later from memory. It was eventually published nearly three decades after his death and since then “manuscripts don’t burn”, a famous line from the book, has come to symbolise the power and determination of human creativity against oppression.
Great literature and great ideas will always survive.
What’s it like to be an author of a banned or challenged book? How can librarians support authors who find themselves in this situation? To mark Banned Books Week, Vicky Baker, deputy editor of Index on Censorship magazine, will chair an online discussion with three authors on 29 September, followed by a Q&A. It is free to join, although attendees must register in advance.
Norwegian musician Moddi has collated an album of songs from around the world that had been banned, censored or silenced. Unsongs includes cover versions of songs from countries including China, Russia, Mexico and Vietnam, on topics such as drugs, war and religion. Index has put together a playlist of some of these songs to coincide with the release of the 250th issue of Index on Censorship magazine, which includes a feature by Moddi about the inspiration behind the album.
1. Izhar Ashdot – A Matter of Habit
Israeli singer Izhar Ashdot was preparing to sing A Matter of Habit on army radio station Galatz in 2012 when he received a message saying it wasn’t welcome. The station stating “We should avoid celebrating a song that demonises our soldiers.” The song describes the fear and confusion of Israeli soldiers, until “killing is a matter of habit”.
2. Pussy Riot – Punk Prayer
Punk Prayer became internationally known after Russian feminist punk band Pussy Riot staged a performance of the song at Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. The group said it was a protest against the Orthodox church’s support for Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. Three members of the group were sentenced to two years in prison for “hooliganism motivated by religious hatred”.
3. Kate Bush – Army Dreamers
Kate Bush’s 1980 hit Army Dreamers tells the story of a mother’s grief after her son is killed in battle, and reflects the brutality and emotional effects of military conflict. During the Gulf War the BBC were wary of playing songs with an anti-war sentiment and told to think carefully before playing them.
4. Victor Jara – Prayer for a Worker
Chilean folk singer Victor Jara was killed in the 1973 military coup that overthrew socialist president Salvador Allende. His songs followed a theme of peace and social justice. A Prayer for a Worker highlights the failed attempts of the Christian Democratic Party and the Socialist Party to reconcile before the coup.
5. Los Tucanes di Tijuana – My Three Animals
In their 1990s narco-corrido (drugs ballad) Mis Tres Animals, Mexican group Los Tucanes di Tijuana sing of drug-trafficking but disguise cocaine, marijuana and heroin with the names of animals: a parrot, a goat and a rooster. The song made it on to the radio thanks to this word play, but narco-corridos are often censored as they are blamed for encouraging drug use and trafficking.
6. Richard Burgess – Eli Geva
Eli Geva was an soldier who refused to lead his forces into Beirut during the 1982 Lebanon war. His act caused a great deal of controversy in Israel, and Geva became an icon for the peace movement. This ode to the Israeli commander was written by Richard Burgess and performed by Norwegian singer Birgitte Grimstad, but Grimstad was warned against singing the song during a tour in Israel. The above video is Moddi’s cover version.
7. Billie Holiday – Strange Fruit
Strange Fruit, originally recorded by Billie Holiday in 1939, was a protest against the brutality and racism in the United States, particularly the lynching of African Americans. Holiday approached both her record label and producer about recording the song but they turned it down, fearing a negative reaction. Instead a friend, Milt Gabler, helped her to record and distribute the song after her a cappella version of it bought him to tears.
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