Belarus: Opposition activist jailed for taking part in rally

A Belarusian opposition leader has been sentenced to ten days of “administrative detention” for his involvement in  the opposition-organised People’s Assembly. Viktar Buzinaye from the United Civic Party was found guilty of “violating the law on public gatherings,” yesterday following an assembly in eastern town of Babruisk on October 8, which was not approved by local authorities. Buzinayeu pleaded not guilty claiming the gathering was held as a town hall meeting, and adhered to laws and regulations.

Clegg slams Belarus dictator

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg will take to the airwaves in Belarus this afternoon, the home of Europe’s last dictatorship.

In an address to the people of Belarus, Clegg will vow  to stand up to the tyranny on our doorstep. In an article for the Independent today, he commented:

“Belarus is trapped in the past: Europe’s shameful secret, right on our doorstep. So I’m determined we speak out and up the pressure on the regime. When popular uprisings exploded across North Africa and the Middle East, the UK took a stand and took it quickly. We will show the same leadership for Belarus.”

He described Belarus:

 “Imagine a country where torture and intimidation are reportedly common place. Where peaceful protesters are locked up  –– sent to maximum security prison colonies— and free-thinking journalists are harassed. Where a president can rig election-after-election, despite running the economy into the ground. Where most people are too scared to speak out and the death penalty remains.

After his speech in Warsaw, in which he is expected to praise the work of the Free Belarus Now campaign (supported by Index on Censorship) the Liberal Democrat leader will take part in an interview with European Radio for Belarus.