USA: Supreme Court to decide on Westboro funeral protests

The Supreme Court is to decide next week whether members of Westboro Baptist Church have the constitutional right to picket military funerals. Al Snyder, the father of a US marine whose funeral was accompanied by the protesters’ anti-gay and anti-Catholic demonstrations is seeking damages for emotional distress. The fundamentalist church, which has said that it plans to protest outside the court, will argue on 6 October that its actions are protected under the First Amendment. Snyder says the decision isn’t a free speech issue but a “case of harrassment“.

USA: Artist goes into hiding after death threats

The artist who proposed an “Everybody Draw Muhammed Day” has gone into hiding on the advice of the FBI. Molly Norris was advised to move, change her name, and wipe away her identity, according to Seattle Weekly editor-in-chief Mark D. Fefer. Norris was put on an execution hitlist by Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki in July. The cartoon led to a separate Facebook campaign, which resulted in the site being blocked in Pakistan.

US commanders warn against church’s plans to burn Quran

The US and NATO commander in Afghanistan warned today that a Florida church’s plans to burn copies of the Quran on 11 September could endanger troops. The Dove World Outreach Center is encouraging its members to engage in an “International Burn a Koran Day” to mark the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. General Petraeus said that the demonstration would jeopardise the safety of soldiers and civilians in Afghanistan and other parts of the world. He pointed out that rumours of the book-burning sparked protests in Kabul yesterday. Local authorities in Gainesville, Florida have refused to grant the church a permit for the fire, but Pastor Terry Jones says the demonstration will go ahead as planned.