Somaliland: Journalists arrested over opposition flag

Police in Somaliland arrested three journalists and six others last Wednesday (2 June), after activists leased a house next to that of the region’s president and used it to display a flag in support of the opposition Kulmiye party. Speaking from prison, one of the journalists, Mohamed Said, claimed that he was arrested after he filmed police beating a group of opposition supporters. The arrests come during the run-up to a presidential election scheduled for 26 June.

Zimbabwe: Police disrupt newspaper launch

The launch of the first new independent domestic Zimbabwean newspaper in 17 years was disrupted by Harare police on Friday (4 June). Shortly before the first edition of NewsDay was due to be delivered to newstands around Harare, the newspaper’s marketing manager, Linda Msika, was arrested along with distribution staff and vendors. Police officers were allegedly unhappy that NewsDay — given a publishing license by the Zimbabwe Media Commission last week — was to give away Friday’s edition for free. After being detained for several hours, staff members were released without charge, and the distribution of the newspaper was allowed to proceed. NewsDay, owned by the independent Alpha Media Holdings group, is expected to offer a counterpoint to Harare’s two state-owned, pro-government newspapers.

South Africa: Newspaper apologises for Mohammed cartoon

Following criticism from Muslim groups, the Mail & Guardian newspaper has apologised for publishing a satirical cartoon depicting the prophet Mohammed, and have agreed to refrain from publishing images of him in the future.. The cartoon, by resident illustrator Zapiro, sparked fierce debate and anger when it was published as part of the Facebook-organised Draw Mohammed Day on May 20. The newspaper’s apology comes after a meeting between editorial staff and the United Muslim Forum of South Africa.

Sudan: Government prevents opposition activists from travelling

The Sudanese government has prevented three opposition activists from leaving the country, they were due order to attend a Kampala conference organised by the International Criminal Court. The passports of Miriam Al-Mahdi, Mahmoud Saleh and Al-Bukhari Aljaali were confiscated by security forces. The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for the Sudanese President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir in 1998, following allegations of genocide during the country’s bitter civil war.