Zimbabwe: Gay activists arrested

Two employees of Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe, the country’s only gay and lesbian advocacy group, have been arrested after police raided their offices. Ellen Chademana and Ignatius Muhambi were accused of possessing pornographic materials and dangerous drugs, after a search conducted under Zimbabwe’s repressive censorship laws which also saw the seizure of documents and computers. Since their arrest, the suspects have been denied contact with their lawyers, despite the fact that Chademana suffers from diabetes. Police have not confirmed either the specific charges being brought against the pair, or when they are likely to be released.

Swaziland: Opposition leader charged with terrorism

The leader of the People’s United Democratic Movement (PUDEMO), an opposition party, has been arrested and charged with terrorism offences following the funeral of party member Sipho Jele. Mario Masuku was arrested after giving a eulogy that mentioned PUDEMO by name, an offence under Swaziland’s Suppression of Terrorism Act. Jele’s funeral had previously been postponed following a police raid. His suspicious death in police custody after being arrested for wearing a T-shirt bearing an opposition logo sparked protests.

Zimbabwe bans protest during World Cup

Augustie Chihuri, Zimbabwe’s police commissioner, has banned public demonstrations and protests during this summer’s World Cup, taking place in neighbouring South Africa. Reports indicate that a decision to curtail all public protests “from June 1 until further notice” has already been circulated to senior officers, and will be formally announced later in May.

Madagascar: Station employees attacked by soldiers

Staff at radio station Fréquence Plus were been attacked by police during  live interview with opposition politician Ambroise Ravinson. Three employees were assaulted by members of the special intervention force, with one knocked unconscious and another hospitalised with a broken shoulder after being hit with a rifle butt. The soldiers went on to destroy studio equipment, before taking custody of Ravinson, forcibly removing him from the studio, and placing him under house arrest. The damage to its studio has left Fréquence Plus unable to broadcast for the foreseeable future.